
unusual facts about U.S. Ambassador

Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies

The first publicly gay U.S. ambassador was Ambassador to Luxembourg James Hormel, who was appointed by President Clinton and sworn in by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1999.

George C. Lodge

His father was a Republican U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, U.S. Ambassador to United Nations and South Vietnam, and 1960 vice presidential candidate for Richard Nixon against John F. Kennedy-Lyndon B. Johnson.

Joseph Edward Lake

Joseph Edward Lake (born October 18, 1941) is an American career diplomat who, in 1990, became the first resident U.S. Ambassador to the Mongolian People's Republic (the first U.S. ambassador to Mongolia, Richard L. Williams, was not a resident there).

Pat Ward

A Republican, her service in the Iowa Senate began in 2004, when she won a special election to fill the vacancy left when Mary Kramer was appointed to be U.S. Ambassador to Barbados.

Stanley Gold

At a banquet honoring U.S. Ambassador John Marshall Evans (4 March 2007) he pledged $100,000 to USC's Institute of Armenian Studies.

see also

1967 Greek coup d'état

U.S. critics of the coup included then-Senator Lee Metcalf, who criticised the Johnson Administration for providing aid to a "military regime of collaborators and Nazi sympathisers." Phillips Talbot, the U.S. ambassador in Athens, disapproved of the coup, complaining that it represented "a rape of democracy", to which Jack Maury, the CIA station chief in Athens, answered, "How can you rape a whore?"

2008 US beef protest in South Korea

On 17 January 2008 representatives of the president of South Korea met with Alexander Vershbow, the U.S. ambassador to South Korea to discuss beef imports.

Adams National Historical Park

Adams National Historical Park, formerly Adams National Historic Site, in Quincy, Massachusetts, preserves the home of Presidents of the United States John Adams and John Quincy Adams, of U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, Charles Francis Adams, and of the writers and historians Henry Adams and Brooks Adams.

Afghan parliamentary election, 2005

During the 2009 Afghan elections, former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Ronald E. Neumann recalled that the "indelible" ink used in the 2005 election to prevent people from voting more than once had turned out to be washable after all.

Alexander Bourganov

His recent works include a monument to Alexander Pushkin located at George Washington University in Washington DC (2000); a statue of John Quincy Adams, the first U.S. Ambassador to Russia and later President of the United States, located in front of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow (2008); and a statue of poet Walt Whitman located on the campus of Moscow State University (2009).

Arthur Grant Duff

In 1906 Arthur Grant Duff married Kathleen, younger daughter of General Powell Clayton, who had been U.S. Ambassador to Mexico when Grant Duff was posted there.

Augusta Chiwy

On 12 December 2011 Chiwy was awarded the Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service which was handed to her by U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman.

Benjamin F. Stapleton

He is the great-grandfather of Walker Stapleton, who was elected Colorado Treasurer in 2010, and the grandfather of Craig Roberts Stapleton, former U.S. ambassador to France and the Czech Republic.

Black Russian

This combination first appeared in 1949, and is ascribed to Gustave Tops, a Belgian barman, who created it at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels in honor of Perle Mesta, then U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg.


By November 2010, The Guardian reported that US embassy cables in the Wikileaks showed then-U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg, Cynthia Stroum, praising Begg for his campaign to persuade European nations to take in Guantanamo detainees for resettlement.

Charles Sawyer

Charles W. Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce during the administration of President Harry S. Truman; U.S. ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg

Christianity in Kuwait

Among its members is the U.S. Ambassador to Kuwait, Matthew H. Tueller.

CIA activities in Argentina

"In September 1978, after Vice-President Walter Mondale met Videla in Rome U.S. Ambassador Raul Castro reported that "General Viola received me smiling broadly and immediately volunteered the observation that he believed the Rome meeting had gone very well...

David F. Girard-diCarlo

David F. Girard-diCarlo was nominated as the U.S. ambassador to Austria following Susan McCaw's resignation from the post.

Emma Silver Mine

To get the people of England to invest, Stewart and Park got U.S. ambassador, Robert C. Schenck, a Grant appointee, to be named on the director’s list.

Finnegan Foundation

Founders of the foundation included: Pittsburgh Mayor Joe Barr, Commonwealth Judge Genevieve Blatt, Democratic National Committeewoman Louise M. John, Pennsylvania Gov. David Lawrence, U.S. Ambassador Matthew H. McCloskey II, U.S. Ambassador John Rice, and Pennsylvania State Treasurer Grace M. Sloan.

Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies

The second publicly gay U.S. ambassador, and the first publicly gay Foreign Service officer to be appointed as ambassador, was U.S. Ambassador to Romania Michael Guest, who was appointed by President George W. Bush and in 2001 sworn in by Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Ghazi Stadium

Hosted by the Afghan Olympic Committee, the event was attended by U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Afghan Olympic President Lieutenant General Mohammad Zaher Aghbar, and Commander of International Security Assistance Force Afghanistan General John R. Allen.

Gilbert School

John A. Bushnell '51, Fulbright Scholar; deputy chief of mission to the U.S. embassy in Panama during the United States invasion of Panama; National Security Council member; nominee, U.S. ambassador to Costa Rica.

History of Guatemala

The guerrillas concentrated their attacks in Guatemala City, where they assassinated many leading figures, including U.S. Ambassador John Gordon Mein in 1968.

Jeremy Bernard

He worked in the Obama Administration in Washington as the White House liaison to the National Endowment for the Humanities and later, in Paris, as senior adviser to the U.S. Ambassador to France.

John Allison

John Moore Allison (1905–1978), U.S. ambassador to Japan, Indonesia, and Czechoslovakia

John Gunther Dean

The evacuation of Phnom Penh scene was filmed near Bangkok in 1983 and Wheeler met Dean, who was then the U.S. Ambassador to Thailand.

John Morehead

John Motley Morehead III (1870–1965), chemist, U.S. ambassador to Sweden, and noted philanthropist

José Tamborini

Joined by interests in the financial sector and the chamber of commerce, the alliance also enjoyed the support of U.S. Ambassador Spruille Braden, and was united solely by the goal of keeping Perón from the Casa Rosada.

Kent E Calder

Calder took a leave from the university from 1996 to 1999 to serve as special adviser to the U.S. ambassador to Japan, working un-der Walter Mondale and Thomas Foley.

Larry Lawrence

M. Larry Lawrence (1926–1996), American millionaire and U.S. ambassador to Switzerland

Lower Moreland Township School District

Valerie Plame, CIA operative and wife of U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson whose identity was released by White House officials.

Mahmoud Jibril

He also met with UK Foreign Secretary William Hague and then-U.S. Ambassador to Libya Gene Cretz, successfully persuading them to publicly back the NTC.

Mark Evans

Mark Evans Austad, aka Mark Evans, (1917–1988) Washington D.C. radio and T.V. commentator and U.S. Ambassador to Finland and Norway

Mark Evans Austad

Austad sued Private Eye for libel and they settled for a "substantial sum", for damages and legal expenses, and printed an apology stating their "article constituted a most serious and damaging libel upon Ambassador Austad." Austad dismissed the controversy, saying Norway's largest newspaper, Aftenposten, praised him as the best U.S. ambassador they had ever had.

Oleg Troyanovsky

In 1980, two members of a dissident Marxist group sneaked into the U.N. Security Council chamber and threw red paint on Troyanovsky and U.S. Ambassador William vanden Heuvel.

Religion and environmentalism

In a meeting with the U.S Ambassador to the Republic of India Timothy J. Roemer, the Dalai Lama urged the U.S to engage China on climate change in Tibet.

Robert Coe

Robert Douglas Coe (1902–1985), career diplomat and the U.S. ambassador to Denmark from 1953 to 1957

Samir Sharifov

According to leaked embassy cables, on July 11, 2006, then- U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Anne E. Derse met with Sharifov and discussed several issues.

Sheldon B. Vance

Sheldon Baird Vance (January 18, 1917 – November 12, 1995), born in Crookston, Minnesota, was the U.S. ambassador to Zaire from May 27, 1969 through March 26, 1974.

St. Catherine University

Heather M. Hodges ’68 - Former U.S. ambassador to Ecuador and Moldova

Stephen A. Hurlbut

Hurlburt served as U.S. ambassador to Peru until his death in Lima in 1882.

Switzerland–United States relations

As of 2010, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland is Donald S. Beyer Jr., and as of 2013 the Swiss ambassador to the U.S. is Manuel Sager.

Symington family

John Hay Whitney (1904–1981), U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom 1957–1961.

Thomas Buckner

In the early 1970s, while his uncle John N. Irwin, II served as the U.S. Ambassador to France, Buckner was one of approximately 500 left-leaning Americans on Richard Nixon's so-called "enemies list."

Thomas Pell

The Pell family lived in this area until the Revolutionary War and has remained prominent to the present, with family members including U.S. Ambassador Herbert Pell and U.S. Senator Claiborne Pell.

Thomas Shannon

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr. (born 1958), U.S. Ambassador to Brazil, 2010-Present

United States Ambassador to Guinea-Bissau

Since 2002, the U.S. ambassador to Senegal has also been commissioned as the ambassador to Guinea-Bissau, while resident in Dakar.

William Braucher Wood

William B. Wood presented his credentials on April 16, 2007, to the President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, and was received as the U.S. Ambassador to that nation, replacing the former US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Ronald E. Neumann.

William Kennard

William E. Kennard was the first U.S. Ambassador to the European Union to work with the institutions created by the EU’s Lisbon Treaty, including the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the President of the European Council, and the European External Action Service.


In 2001, the villagers hosted annual Mushroom Festival inviting people, including Speaker of the Seimas Artūras Paulauskas and U.S. Ambassador John F. Tefft, to hunt for mushrooms in the surrounding forests.