
2 unusual facts about UCG

Conor McGahon

He attended NUI Galway (then UCG) where he became Auditor of the Law Society and graduated in 1986 with a BA in Legal & Political Science and again in 1988 with an LLB.

John Francis King

Elected Mayor in 1978, his first civic duty was attending the twinning ceremony of Galway with St. Louis at UCG on 4 July.



Emily Anderson

She then returned in 1917 to Galway as professor of German at UCG.

United Church of God

UCG states: "The mission of the Church of God is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God in all the world, make disciples in all nations and care for those disciples." Emphasis is consequently placed on the proclamation of "The Kingdom of God" to the general public, which is accomplished through various media, ranging from Twitter and Youtube to more traditional forms such as radio, print and television.

see also