
unusual facts about UDAR


Cold Station 12

Udar is nicknamed "Smike" by his Augment siblings after a handicapped character from the comic novel Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens.

Nikolai Shpanov

The First Blow (Pervii Udar, 1939. Published before the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, it is a fictional account of the upcoming war between Third Reich and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Air Force stages a highly successful raid on industrial targets in Nuremberg. It was withdrawn from publication after Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler made their deal.)

Olga Bielkova

On 12 November 2012 Olga took the oath of the Member of Parliament of Ukraine and started to work with a Parliamentary fraction of the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform of Vitali Klitschko.

Rada TV

According to UDAR MP Iryna Herashchenko in December 2013 the channel ignored the pro-European rallies of Euromaidan while broadcasting mostly speeches and statements made by government members and rallies held by Party of Regions (and thus not covering the activities of all parliamentary factions and MPs, including opposition and independent deputies).

see also