After scoring six stoppages in a row, Rivers took on the tough Jason Rorie on May 18, 2013 at UDC on the undercard of a show headlined by Dusty Hernandez Harrison.
DCA was founded on 25 October 2004 by a split from the Union of Christian and Centre Democrats (UDC) led by Gianfranco Rotondi, who wanted closer ties with Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia and who criticized the political line of the then leader of UDC Marco Follini.
The Christian-democratic faction of SC, led by Mario Mauro, Lorenzo Dellai, Andrea Olivero and Lucio Romano, left, along with the UdC, to form For Italy groups.
In February 2006, two months ahead of the general elections of 2006, UDC secretary Lorenzo Cesa and others protested against the inclusion of neo-fascists such as Adriano Tilgher, Roberto Fiore, Alessandra Mussolini, Gaetano Saya and Pino Rauti in the alliance, branding them impresentabili (unsuitable).
The main candidates were Enrico Musso, an independent politician supported by the main political forces of the New Pole for Italy (UDC, ApI and FLI), and Marco Doria, who was chosen as the candidate for the center-left coalition on 13 February 2012 via the coalition's primary elections.
She served as president of Knoxville's chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and one term as state secretary of the UDC.
In the 1950s, Manchester-based Calico Printers' Association, in association with the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC), constructed a large textile mill (Nyanza Textile Industries Limited), locally known as Nytil.
At this point the UDC was lobbying against the powerful Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, supported by Umberto Bossi's Northern League; Subsequently, Tremonti was ousted from office and replaced with the politically more neutral Domenico Siniscalco.
In 1994, she retired as the assistant to the dean of UDC’s College of Physical Science, Engineering and Technology.
The group is led by Mario Diana, who had been the floor leader of the PdL until the very split, and includes Gian Vittorio Campus (ex-PdL), Roberto Capelli (ApI, ex-UDC), Claudia Lombardo (ex-PdL), and Massimo Mulas (UPC, ex-UDS).
On the back of the medal is the motto of the Confederate States of America, "Deo Vindice" (With God As Our Vindicator), the dates 1861 1865, and the inscription, "From the UDC to the UCV." (UDC stands for the United Daughters of the Confederacy; UCV stands for the United Confederate Veterans.) The Southern Cross of Honor could only be bestowed through the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
A University Development Center (UDC) is an educational-work co-operational program that was founded by Smiths Aerospace in 2005, which was acquired in 2007 by GE Aviation, in Houghton, Michigan.