
unusual facts about UNCITRAL


CME/Lauder v. Czech Republic

Some 20 suits started in front of the Czech courts and international tribunals, including UNCITRAL arbitrations CME v. Czech Republic and Lauder v. Czech Republic, after his business partner, Czech citizen Vladimír Železný, effectively deprived CME of its investment by breaking off the deal between Lauder's and Železný's companies.

Siegfried H. Elsing

Siegfried H. Elsing has served as counsel, chairman, sole arbitrator and party-appointed arbitrator in more than 150 national and international arbitral proceedings (inter alia ICC, DIS, ICSID, SCC, VIAC, UNCITRAL, ad hoc).

Stephen M. Schwebel

Schwebel has been chairman or party-appointed arbitrator in International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), ICSID, AAA, Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), LCIA, Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (CAA), and UNCITRAL ad hoc proceedings.

see also