
unusual facts about URL


es has been used for domain hacks such as geociti.es, a website mirroring Geocities; thelettervsixtim.es, for the game VVVVVV; beach.es, a website selling beach holidays; localwalmartstor.es for Walmart, which forwards to their main site; and iTun.es for iTunes Ping URL shortening.


Mozilla Foundation's URL shortener uses it with the "mzl.la" domain hack.


In October 2010, the domain of "sex-positive" URL shortening service vb.ly, which was registered in 2009 by Violet Blue and Ben Metcalfe, was seized by the Libyan web authorities for not being compliant with the law of Libya.

Arabic keyboard

All Computer Arabic keyboards contain both Arabic and Latin, as Latin characters are necessary for URLs and Email addresses.

Ariane Sherine

Sherine started the Atheist Bus Campaign in response to an evangelical Christian bus advertisement which gave the URL of a website "telling non-Christians they would spend 'all eternity in torment in hell', burning in 'a lake of fire'".

Clean URL

It is common practice to make the slug all lowercase, accented characters are usually replaced by letters from the English alphabet, punctuation marks are generally removed, and long page titles may also be truncated to keep the final URL to a reasonable length.

Typically clean URLs use rewrite rules to select which script (if any) to run, rather than putting the name of the script in the URL.

File URI scheme

(The double slash // should always appear in a file URL according to the specification, but in practice many Web browsers allow you to omit it)

Google Toolbar

A number of Internet service providers have implemented DNS hijacking with the purpose of redirecting users to advertisements whenever they mistype a URL in a browser.

IBM Connections

Any non-section entity in an activity can contain rich-text and custom fields for files, links, text, people and dates.


Ldirectord monitors the health of the real servers by periodically requesting a known URL and checking that the response contains an expected string.

MIRIAM Registry

The URL form is directly resolvable, and relies on a resolving layer provided by Identifiers.org.


ScientificCommons has no registration wall for searchers, but repositories that are not indexed can register by name and the OAI interface URL.

Screen–smart device interaction

Screen-Smart device Interaction is a software platform that allows users with Smart Devices to connect (using QR, URL or any other method) to a public screen and interact or control its content.


It can perform traditional network related checks (TCP, PING, traceroute) but can also be used to monitor a wide variety of other checks such as internet related checks (url, email chain, database checks, Windows checks (diskspace, CPU, memory, process, services).


TinyURL is a URL shortening service, a web service that provides short aliases for redirection of long URLs.


Yadis then associates an XRDS document (an XML-based capability file) with each URL that expresses the associated capabilities or services.

This descriptor follows the XRDS format and connects several services, like authentication or authorization to the Yadis URL.

see also