
unusual facts about UUNET

NIC Argentina

Until Argentina was able to establish its first permanent connection to the global Internet, name services were provided by UUNET.




Rickard was famed for his fiery editorials and "love/hate" relationship with many of the ISP industry's major players (including a controversial 1997 magazine cover about peering disputes which depicted John Sidgmore of UUNet attempting to blow up MAE-East in a scene reminiscent of the Oklahoma City bombing).

Online service provider

Internet-only service providers like UUNET, The Pipeline, Panix, Netcom, the World, EarthLink, and MindSpring provided no content of their own, concentrating their efforts on making it easy for nontechnical users to install the various software required to "get online" before consumer operating systems came internet-enabled out of the box.

see also