
2 unusual facts about Ucayali Region

Amazonic Spanish

Amazonic Spanish (español amazónico), also known as Loreto-Ucayali Spanish or Jungle Spanish (español de la selva), is a variety of Spanish spoken in the Amazon, especially in the Peruvian Amazon provinces of Loreto and Ucayali.

Scarlet-banded Barbet

Only discovered in 1996 and formally described in 2000, the Scarlet-banded Barbet is endemic to humid highland forest growing on a ridgetop known as Peak 1538 in the remote Cordillera Azul National Park in south-western Loreto, Peru (mistakenly listed as being in Ucayali, Peru, in its formal description).

Lamas Quechua

Lamas or San Martín Quechua (Lamista, Llakwash Runashimi) is a variety of Quechua spoken in the provinces of Lamas in the Peruvian region of San Martin and in some villages on the river Huallaga in the region of Ucayali.

Lowland Peruvian Quechua

Lamas Quechua, or San Martín Quechua (Lamista, Llakwash Runashimi), spoken in the province of Lamas in the region of San Martin and in some villages on the Huallaga River in the region of Ucayali by some 15,000 people

see also