The serial was dubbed in telugu as Mettala Savvadi Gemini and remade in Kannada as Mangalya on Udaya, Malayalam as Minnukettu on Surya and Hindi as Shubh Vivah on Sony tv but the story lines change in all three languages into different stories and all had a different climax.
Udaya | Udaya Nanayakkara | Udaya Dharmawardhana | Udaya Studios |
He had two elder brothers, the eldest being Raja Udaya varma, the ruler of the principality, and second one being Rama Varma
Srinath, a famous Kannada cinema star, was a Vice President of Udaya TV and he also hosts a show for married couples called Aadarsha Dampatigalu (Ideal-Couples) on Udaya TV.
Starting from Udaya's 1961 film Unniyarcha, a lot of films based on Vadakkan Pattu have been made in Kerala.