
3 unusual facts about Uhuru Kenyatta


It is known for the first Kenyan president Jomo Kenyatta who was from this area, as well as his son, Uhuru Kenyatta, now 4th President of Kenya and former Member of Parliament representing Gatundu South Constituency.

Uhuru Kenyatta

Aljazeera's The Stream, which taps into the potential of social media to disseminate news, covered Uhuru's use of Social Media in their show.

Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly, Mr. Abdi Ramadhan, Cabinet Ministers Mohamed Yusuf Haji, Jamleck Irungu Kamau, Dr. Naomi Shaaban, Samuel Poghisio, Professor Sam Ongeri and Dr. Mohammed Kuti and MPs Charles Cheruiyot Keter, Aden Bare Duale and Mohamed Maalim Mohamud also attended the event.

Luis Moreno Ocampo

He named suspended Minister of Higher Education William Ruto, Minister for Industrialisation Henry Kosgey, Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, former Commissioner of the Kenya Police Major General Mohammed Hussein Ali, Head of Public Services Francis Muthaura, and journalist Joshua Arap Sang as leading perpetrators of the incidents.

see also

The Kenya Presidential Election Petition 2013

The court had also rejected LSK and Katiba institute a chance to be Amicus curiae as they were seemed partisan to Uhuru Kenyatta and william Ruto.