
3 unusual facts about Ulex europaeus

Ero aphana

This is the case in England where the species seems to be on the increase and is found on dry heathland with patches of bare stony ground and among sparse Ulex europaeus and Pinus sylvestris.

Golf in Scotland

Tee (Teeing ground): first recorded in 1721 - "Driving their Baws frae Whins or Tee, There’s no ae Gowfer to be seen."

Ulex europaeus

Common gorse is also an invasive species in the montane grasslands of Horton Plains National Park in Sri Lanka.

Sand Point and Middle Hope

The calcareous grassland is dominated by Festuca species and Dactylis glomerata, while the scrub towards the west of the site is dominated by Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), while that to the east consists of Common Gorse (Ulex europaeus) and Bramble (Rubus fruticosus agg).

see also