
unusual facts about Ulithi


A second kaiten attack in January 1945 was foiled when the I-48 was sunk by the destroyer escort USS Conklin.


Ulithi |

Destroyer Squadron 1

Following the conclusion of the Gilbert and Marshall campaign, DESRON-1 destroyers screened Task Group 58.1 during carrier air stikes against Palau, Yap, Ulithi, Woleai, Truk, Satawan, and Ponape.

Fais Island

Having known about this story, António Galvão governor of Ternate at the time, in his Tratado dos Descubrimientos of 1563 says that this was because he had sent one Francisco de Castro as commander of a ship on a proselytizing mission to the islands discovered in the area of Fais by the Portuguese Diego da Rocha (Ulithi in 1526).

SS Davidson Victory

She left Ulithi in the summer of 1945 en route to the Philippines to prepare for the invasion of the Japanese home islands when the Japanese surrender was announced.

USS PC-1138

She operated on patrol and escort duties in the Solomons, occasionally sailing to islands to the south, until departing for Ulithi, where she arrived on 14 December.

see also