Between December 2012 and January 2013, a team led by Leo Houlding and including Alastair Lee, Chris Rabone, Sean 'Stanley' Leary, Jason Pickles and David Reeves made the first ascent of a new route up the north-east ridge.
In December 2010 Valery Rozov made a basejump from the peak flying 45 seconds in the air before opening his parachute.
Peak District | Pikes Peak | Peak Practice | Dante's Peak | La Plata Peak | Devil's Peak | Borah Peak | Victoria Peak | Te Mata Peak | peak | Longs Peak | Kriváň (peak) | Kitt Peak National Observatory | Formosa Peak | Devil's Peak (Cape Town) | Pike's Peak Gold Rush | Peak Forest | Peak Downs | Matterhorn Peak | Laramie Peak | Bragg peak | Zograf Peak | Verchild's Peak | Vaptsarov Peak | Shire of Peak Downs | Pikes Peak International Hill Climb | peak oil | Peak Korzhenevskaya | Nilsen Peak | Moyes Peak |