There was extensive deforestation done mostly for the cultivation of gambier (Uncaria gembieri).
The compartment represents gambir and black pepper, crops cultivated by Johor's traditional agricultural industry.
They built business empires from trading in these early international commodities such as cotton, coconut and gambier.
Latigo leather is cattle hide leather tanned with a combination of alum and gambier, used for straps such as those that secure western saddle cinches, other saddlery work and for army accoutrements.
At the time, Oei took over the firm, Kian Gwan's main activity was trade, especially trade in rubber, kapok, gambir, tapioca and coffee.
rhynchophylla has also been shown to be a powerful MAO-B inhibitor.
Uncaria was named in 1789 by Johann von Schreber in his Genera Plantarum edition 8a (not to be confused with books of the same title by Linnaeus, Jussieu, and others).
During the reign of Sultan Abu Bakar of Johor and under the influence of the British rule in the 1870s, a policy was initiated to modernise Johor and increase tax revenue by opening up more of the forest and swamp area for plantation purposes (initially for spices such as pepper and gambier; then followed by rubber).