
unusual facts about Uncle Robin, in His Cabin in Virginia, and Tom Without One in Boston

Frank Freeman's Barber Shop

Chapter VII of Freeman - entitled The Death of Dinah - is strongly echoed in a later anti-Tom novel: Uncle Robin, in His Cabin in Virginia, and Tom Without One in Boston by J.W. Page (1853), in which another character also named Dinah passes away as a redeemed Christian, as does the character of Dinah in Hall's novel.

Uncle Robin, in His Cabin in Virginia, and Tom Without One in Boston

J.W. Randolph Publishers issued additional anti-Tom novels before the Civil War, among them the satirical White Acre vs. Black Acre (1856) by William M. Burwell.

They were written in response to the publication of the bestselling abolitionist novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, released in book form in 1852, and were read both in the North and the South.

Uncle Robin, in His Cabin in Virginia, and Tom Without One in Boston (sometimes shortened to simply Uncle Robin's Cabin) is an 1853 novel written by J.W. Page and released by J. W. Randolph Publishers of Richmond, Virginia.

see also