These provide additional proof of Posada's involvement in violent efforts to undermine Castro's socialist government, said Peter Kornbluh, director of the National Security Archive's Cuba Documentation Project.
According to IEA country report the Finnish subsidies for peat undermine the goal to reduce CO2 emissions and counteracts other environmental policies and The European Union emissions trading scheme.
As far back as Christian antiquity the Manichaean attacks on the sacredness of marriage as those of Jovinian and Vigilantius, which sought to undermine the reverence for virginity, were refuted by the Church Fathers St. Augustine and St. Jerome.
He expects hostility from those who fear that a skeptical analysis of freedom will undermine people's belief in the reality of moral considerations; he likens himself to an interfering crow who insists on telling Dumbo he doesn't really need the feather he believes is allowing him to fly.
Its goal was to undermine support for the popular Catholic priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who served less than eight months as Haïti's president before being deposed, on 29 September 1991, by a coup.
The Australian Attorney General, Sir Garfield Barwick, continued to reject the request for Viks, claiming that it could not be met because: the USSR and Australia did not have an extradition treaty; Viks had passed immigration screening processes and; consequently, any such extradition would undermine Australian sovereignty.
While Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies from 1895 to 1903, was sympathetic to the idea, his proposals for a permanent Imperial Council or Council of the Empire which would be a kind of Imperial Parliament passing policies that would bind colonial governments, was rejected at the 1897 Colonial Conference and 1902 Colonial Conferences due to fears that such a scheme would undermine the autonomy of colonies.
Former City Councilwoman Eva Moskowitz, who runs Success Academy Charter Schools, opposed the proposal because she believed that "the Department of Education will undermine the education of at-risk students.
Thirty-year Republican House of Representatives and Senate staffer Mike Lofgren, in a 2011 article titled "Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult", characterized low-information voters as anti-intellectual and hostile-to-science "religious cranks", and claimed Republicans are deliberately manipulating LIVs to undermine their confidence in American democratic institutions.
The memoir claimed that he was an undercover agent of the Soviet Union ordered to infiltrate the Catholic Church by becoming a priest and to put forth modernist ideas through a teaching position that would undermine the main teachings of the Church during the Second Vatican Council in subtle ways, by turn of phrase methods.
This was an unusual appointment, in that custom dictated a member of the Fujiwara clan should have held the post of Chief compiler; it is thought that this was an attempt by Emperor Uda to undermine the increasingly-influential Fujiwara.
Nearly a year later when writing up his notes on the return voyage he speculated that this, together with what he had been told about Galápagos tortoises, could undermine the doctrine of stability of species.
In terms of the suggestion that it promotes a style of teaching and learning that seeks to undermine a Cartesian separation of mind and body, its greatest debt is to work in Neuroscience by academics such as Andy Clark, and to phenomenology of the kind developed by Husserl.
This was evident during the 2007 Ukrainian political crisis where members of the opposition crossed party lines with plans to undermine Presidential authority and move towards the 300 constitutional majority.
The Meech Lake Accord was opposed by aboriginal leaders, who were able to block its ratification in the Manitoba legislature due to the objection of Elijah Harper, and the Newfoundland legislature rescinded its ratification in response to Premier Clyde Wells's belief that it undid the progress achieved in the 1982 constitutional amendments and would undermine the Charter of Rights.
:Repugnus received his second homage when his name and red-and-yellow color scheme were used again in Transformers: Cybertron as a repaint of - and brother to - that line’s Undermine.
Thomas Southerne's dark The Wives' Excuse (1691) is not yet very "soft": it shows a woman miserably married to the fop Friendall, everybody's friend, whose follies and indiscretions undermine her social worth, since her honour is bound up in his.
Party rhetoric asserted that Slánský was spying as part of an international Western capitalist conspiracy to undermine socialism, and that punishing him would avenge the Nazi murders of Czech Communists Jan Šverma and Julius Fučík during World War II.
This would undermine Nick Bostrom's simulation argument; we cannot be a simulate consciousness, if consciousness, as we know it, cannot be simulated.
In England Spargo and the labor delegation met with Henry Hyndman and worked closely with his Social Democratic Federation in an effort to undermine the growing strength of pacifist forces in the Labour Party headed by Ramsay MacDonald.
If the Taliban are allowed to undermine legitimate government in either Afghanistan or Pakistan, that would enable Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups to have greater freedom and a sanctuary from which to train, plan and launch terrorist attacks across the world - and would have longer term implications for the credibility of NATO and the international community - and for the stability of both this crucial region and globally.
Undermine Records' current roster include artists John Bourke, Jay Sustain, DJ REM, Retrobyte, Jonathan Allyn, Arman Cole, Blue Massive, Bjorn Fogelberg, Dumb Dan, Mark0, Groovematic, Effero, Mike Hiratzka, Flack.Su, Burufunk, Wideband Network, and several others.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is defending the U.S.-backed Iraqi government and warns against attempts to undermine it.
Irish presidential election, 2011: During his campaign Sinn Féin candidate Martin McGuinness criticised what he called "West Brit" elements of the media who he said were out to undermine his attempt to win the election.