
unusual facts about Husserl


Edmund Husserl |

Alberto Guerrero

Guerrero was also known for his keen intellect and eloquence vis–à–vis painting, poetry, and philosophy (Comte, Husserl, Sartre).

Alexandre Koyré

Following Husserl's Cartesian Meditations, a series of lectures given in Paris and one of the more important of Husserl's later works, Koyré met again with Husserl repeatedly and influenced his understanding of Galileo.

Antonio Millán-Puelles

In all these works he studies and comments Brentano, Aristotle, Aquinas, Husserl, Kant, Hartmann, Meinong, Sartre, Heidegger, and many other ancient, medieval, and modern philosophers.

Gustav Shpet

His philosophy combined Husserl's analysis of the structure of consciousness with Platonism of Orthodoxy, the doctrine of incarnation, and veneration of matter.


The Husserliana is the complete works project of the philosopher Edmund Husserl, which was made possible by Herman Van Breda after he saved the manuscripts of Husserl.

Nader El-Bizri

'Avicenna's De Anima Between Aristotle and Husserl', in The Passions of the Soul in the Metamorphosis of Becoming, ed.

Open-space Learning or OSL

In terms of the suggestion that it promotes a style of teaching and learning that seeks to undermine a Cartesian separation of mind and body, its greatest debt is to work in Neuroscience by academics such as Andy Clark, and to phenomenology of the kind developed by Husserl.

Systemic Constellations

The Systemic Constellation process is a trans-generational, phenomenological, therapeutic intervention with roots in family systems therapy (Psychodrama of Jacob Moreno, Virginia Satir, Iván Böszörményi-Nagy), existential-phenomenology (Brentano, Husserl, Heidegger), and the ancestor reverence of the South African Zulus.

see also