
58 unusual facts about Union army

1st District of Columbia Infantry

The 1st District of Columbia Infantry was a Union Army infantry regiment which fought in the American Civil War.

2nd District of Columbia Infantry

The 2nd District of Columbia Infantry was a Union Army regiment that served during the American Civil War.

2nd District of Columbia Infantry Battalion

The 2nd District of Columbia Infantry Battalion was an infantry battalion that served in the Union Army between April and July, 1861, during the American Civil War.

3rd District of Columbia Infantry Battalion

The 3rd District of Columbia Infantry Battalion was an infantry battalion that served in the Union Army between April and July, 1861, during the American Civil War.

4th U.S. Light Artillery, Battery H

Battery "H" 4th Regiment of Artillery was a light artillery battery that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

4th U.S. Light Artillery, Battery I

Battery "I" 4th Regiment of Artillery was a light artillery battery that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

5th District of Columbia Infantry Battalion

The 5th District of Columbia Infantry Battalion was an infantry battalion that served in the Union Army between April and July, 1861, during the American Civil War.

8th District of Columbia Infantry Battalion

The 8th District of Columbia Infantry Battalion was an infantry battalion that served in the Union Army between April and July, 1861, during the American Civil War.

Antietam Creek

Burnside's Bridge became a major focus of combat as Union forces under General Ambrose Burnside repeatedly tried to capture the bridge from Confederate forces guarding the crossing from a high bluff overlooking the creek.

Benjamin Franklin Gordon

In March and April of 1864, Shelby's men harassed and skirmished with the Union Army force under the command of Major General Frederick Steele during his Camden Expedition, part of the Red River Campaign.

Cam Kirby

His son Joseph Kirby (1844–1937) enlisted as mercenary in the 184th Regiment of New York State Infantry of the Union Army during the American Civil War and returned to Canada in 1865 and joined the Ashberminam Company of Volunteers during the Fenian Raids of 1866.

Charles C. Ellsworth

In the spring of 1863, during the Civil War, Ellsworth was appointed by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln to be Paymaster of Volunteers in the Union Army, in which position he served until the end of the war with the rank of major.

Charles D. Herron

He was the son of William Parke Herron (1843–1927), a captain in the Union Army during the Civil War.

Charles W. Sandford

His command seriously weakened due to manpower shortages during the American Civil War, Sandford served on active duty with the Union Army from April 19 to July 25, 1861.

Chitto Harjo

He and many of these Creek men were recruited to the Union Army and served with federal forces in the Civil War.

Clayton Barney Vogel

Vogel was born on 18 September 1882 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia His father, Theodore Knight Vogel was a founding member of the Loyal Legion and a Captain in the Union Army.

Colton Greene

It was hoped these guns could be used to attack the Federal arsenal in St. Louis, however the captains arrived with their artillery too late to help in the effort, and the cannon were captured by Union troops.

Corinne, Utah

As the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads approached their historic meeting place at Promontory Summit early in 1869, a group of former Union Army officers and some determined non-Mormon merchants from Salt Lake City decided to locate a Gentile town on the Union Pacific line, believing that the town could compete economically and politically with the Saints of Utah.

David P. Jenkins

During the American Civil War, Jenkins served in Union Army under Generals Grant, Pope, Sherman and Burnside in the Western Theater.

Dead Man's Burden

They're given hope for a better life when a mining company shows interest in purchasing their homestead, but things become tense when Martha's brother Wade (Barlow Jacobs), who defected to the Union Army returns home after hearing of their father's death- unaware that Martha herself was the one who brought about his demise.

Double-barreled cannon

Finally his contraption was used as a signal gun in Athens to warn against advancing Yankees.

Edward Ferrero

He also served as a Union Army general in the American Civil War, most remembered for his dishonourable conduct in the Battle of the Crater (July 1864), reported drinking with another general behind the lines, while both their units were virtually destroyed.

Elias McMellen

During the Civil War, McMellen enlisted for service in the Union Army, becoming a private in Co.

Expedition after Forrest

Expedition after Forrest was a military movement of the Union Army during the American Civil War.

Frank Wilkeson

He wrote several books, including an autobiography of his service in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

Gem of the Ocean

Aunt Ester, the drama's 285-year-old fiery matriarch, welcomes into her home Solly Two Kings, who was born into slavery and scouted for the Union Army, and Citizen Barlow, a young man from Alabama searching for a new life and in search of redemption.

George Henry Gordon

George Henry Gordon (July 19, 1823 – August 30, 1886) was an American lawyer and a Union general in the American Civil War.

George Maney

Maney asked for a reassignment to his native Tennessee, which was threatened by Union forces.

Glorieta Pass

The victory by the Union Army (primarily in the form of the Colorado Militia) prevented the breakout of the Confederate Army forces onto the High Plains on the east side of Sangre de Cristo Mountains, halting the intended Confederate advance northward along the base of the Rocky Mountains.

Goode Bryan

During the Battle of Gettysburg, the 16th Georgia was among the troops that were poised for a late attack on a perceived weak spot in the Union line near Little Round Top, but were recalled by Lt. Gen. James Longstreet.

Henry C. Deming

He entered the Union Army in September 1861 as colonel of the Twelfth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers.

Henry Van Aernam

He served in the Union Army as a surgeon in the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, from September 26, 1862 to November 5, 1864.

Huntsville Depot

Huntsville was occupied by Union forces in 1862 during the Civil War as a strategic point on the railroad and the depot was used as a prison for Confederate soldiers.

Immortal Six Hundred

In 1864, the Confederate Army imprisoned 50 Union Army officers as human shields against federal artillery in the city of Charleston, South Carolina, in an attempt to stop Union artillery from firing upon civilians in the city.

John Sebrie Watts

He served as delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1864, and took an active part in equipping troops for the Union Army during the Civil War.

Joseph H. Allen

At the beginning of the Civil War, his sales plummeted so he closed his business and enlisted in the Union Army.


On June 18, 1865, Union General Gordon Granger and 2,000 federal troops arrived on the island of Galveston, Texas, to take possession of the state and enforce the emancipation of its slaves.

Junius Henri Browne

They traveled together 400 miles through hostile country, and reached the Union lines on January 14, 1865.

Moses A. McLaughlin

Moses A. McLaughlin (1834 - 1899) Irish born, California Militia officer, Union Army officer, farmer, later a doctor.

Napoleon Bonaparte Giddings

After his political career he served as a colonel in the Union Army during the United States Civil War.

Pike County, Arkansas

In 1864 Murfreesboro served as a winter quarters for the Confederate regiments assigned to that area, with Union Army regiments wintering just eighteen miles away in and around Antoine.

Prince Philippe, Count of Paris

An historian, journalist and outspoken democrat, Philippe volunteered to serve as a Union Army officer in the American Civil War along with his younger brother, Prince Robert, Duke of Chartres.

Rancho Napa

In 1863 Salvador Vallejo was a Major in the Union Army, and after the Civil War, he resigned and returned to his ranch in Napa in 1865, and died in 1876.

Rancho Temecula

It then became a Union Army cavalry camp in 1862, part of the supply route for Fort Yuma and the California Column march into New Mexico Territory.

Reuben D. Mussey, Jr.

(often called RD Mussey) (May 30, 1833–May 29, 1892) was a Union Army colonel during the American Civil War and a distinguished lawyer.

Robert Clayton Maffett

It was heavily engaged at Snodgrass Hill, where Union General William H. Thomas made his famous stand, thus saving the Union Army from total collapse.

Robert Knox Sneden

Robert Knox Sneden (1832 in Nova Scotia – 1918) was an American landscape painter, as well as a map-maker for the Union Army during the American Civil War who was a prolific illustrator and memoirist.

Robert William Weir Carrall

He practiced in Canada for a bit before becoming an assistant surgeon for the Union Army during the American Civil War working in Emory and Henry College Hospital (1862 to 1863) and at the Marine United States General Hospital at New Orleans (1863 to 1865).

Rocky Springs, Mississippi

The community of Rocky Springs began to decline during the Civil War, at which time Union forces passed through the area during the advance on nearby Port Gibson.

Samuel Humphreys

Samuel, and his wife Letitia, had sons Andrew (1810-1883) and Joshua (1813–1873) who served in the Union Army and Confederate States Navy, respectively, in the American Civil War (1861-1865).

Sherod Hunter

Sherod Hunter (March 5, 1834-Date Unknown) was the commander of the Confederate unit operating against Union Army forces in present day Arizona during the American Civil War.

Thomas S. Hammond

His grandfather was Brig. Gen. John Hammond, who served in the Union Army during the Civil War and later became a U.S. Congressman from New York.

Thomas William Sweeny

At Shiloh, in command of a brigade, he successfully defended a gap in the Union line.

Tim Keefe

When Tim Keefe was a child, Patrick served in the Union Army during the American Civil War.


Several of these Forty-Eighters went on to become Civil War soldiers, the great majority in the Union Army, and American politicians.

Wheaton High School

The school is named for the Wheaton area, which is in turn named for Frank Wheaton (1833-1903), a career officer in the Union Army who rose to the rank of major-general while serving before, during, and after the Civil War.

William F. Perry

Perry was wounded by an artillery shell exploding near his head while he led the 44th Alabama Infantry in Major General John Bell Hood's division's general attack on the left flank of the Union Army line on Cemetery Hill and Little Round Top, near the area of boulders known as Devil's Den, on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg.

William Morton Meredith

With the outbreak of the American Civil War, Meredith enlisted in the Union Army, but Governor of Indiana Oliver Hazard Perry Morton soon appointed Meredith state commissary-general.

Army of the West

Army of the West (Union Army), an 1861 Union Army, during the American Civil War led by Brigadier General Nathaniel Lyon.

Arthur Ducat

(February 24, 1830 – January 29, 1896) was an officer in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

Bird's Point, Missouri

Union cavalry under David P. Jenkins guarded the region for the early part of the war, deterring Confederate attempts to regain control of the supply routes.

Campbellton, Florida

Local Confederate cavalry under the command of Captain Alexander Goodwin unsuccessfully contested the advance of a Federal column led by Brigadier General Alexander Asboth during the preliminary phase of what would become the Battle of Marianna.

Charles R. Train

-- A grammar fix may be needed here. -->During the Civil War served in the Union Army as a volunteer aide-de-camp to General George B. McClellan.

Columbiana County, Ohio

It was the scene of one of the northern-most action fought during the American Civil War; in July 1863 Confederate raiders under John Morgan were surrounded and captured by Union forces.

Elisha Johnson

During the American Civil War Union Army General William Sherman's soldiers destroyed the Tellico Iron Works but Sherman acquitted Johnson for his part in supplying the Confederate Army because of Johnson's northern birth and sympathies.

False Claims Act

During the war, unscrupulous contractors sold the Union Army decrepit horses and mules in ill health, faulty rifles and ammunition, and rancid rations and provisions, among other unscrupulous actions.

George Sykes

He continued his association with regulars in the early defensive positions around Washington, D.C., and then as a division commander of regulars in the Peninsula Campaign, the 2nd Division of the V Corps.

George Washington Williams

After a limited education and a stint in a "house of refuge" where he learned barbering, Williams enlisted in the Union Army under an assumed name when he was only 14 and fought during the final battles of the American Civil War.

Goodman-LeGrand House

After the 1862 Capture of New Orleans, Gary made the house available to numerous families of refugees fleeing the Union Army.

Halbert S. Greenleaf

-- A grammar fix may be needed here. -->Enlisted as a private in the Union Army in August 1862.

Harrison G. O. Blake

He was not a candidate for renomination in 1862 to the Thirty-eighth Congress, but instead, with the Civil War raging, entered the United States Army in 1864.

Heck Thomas

On September 1, 1862, Union General Philip Kearny was killed at the Battle of Chantilly, Young "Heck" was entrusted with the general's horse and equipment and was ordered by Confederate General Robert E. Lee to take them through the lines to General Kearny's widow.

Jacob Downing

Jacob Downing (April 1830 – 1907) was a major in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

Joseph H. Allen

The factory was closed in 1861, not only due to poor sales, but because Allen enlisted in the Union Army.

Lawrence Murphy

Lawrence Gustave Murphy (1831 – October 20, 1878) was Irish, Union Army veteran, Grand Army of the Republic member, Republican Party leader, racketeer, Old West businessman and gunman, and a main instigator of the Lincoln County War.

Leffert L. Buck

Before earning his civil engineering degree from RPI, Buck fought for the Union Army in the American Civil War under General Slocum, participating in the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Peachtree Creek, Resaca and

Manton, Kentucky

Some companies of men from the Tenth Kentucky Infantry were mustered into Union service having come from the village of Manton.

Martin Davis Hardin

Martin Davis Hardin (June 26, 1837 – December 12, 1923) was a brigadier general in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

Mary Ritter Beard

He attended Northwestern Christian College for two years before enrolling in Asbury University in 1861, and made the unorthodox decision for a Quaker of joining the Union Army shortly after the outbreak of the American Civil War.

Mathilde Franziska Anneke

The Annekes were vocal opponents of slavery during the American Civil War, and Fritz served in the Union army, as colonel and commanding officer of the 34th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

McPherson Ridge

McPherson Ridge is a landform used for military engagements during the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, First Day, when the I Corps (Union Army) had a headquarters on the ridge and was defeated by the Confederate division of Major General Henry Heth.

Moratock Park

Union cavalry, under the command of George Stoneman, destroyed most of the original foundryworks while conducting raids through the area in 1865 during the American Civil War.

N. K. Boswell

He is believed to have served in the Union Army, but it is not certain as to from which state he originated, although it is believed he may have come from New Jersey.

Perryville Battlefield State Historic Site

The battle was fought on October 8, 1862, between the Union Army of the Ohio, commanded by Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell, and the Confederate Army of Mississippi, commanded by Gen. Braxton Bragg.

Philip Henson

Philip Henson (December 28, 1827 - January 10, 1911) was a scout and spy for the Union Army during the American Civil War.

Raid at Combahee Ferry

The Raid at Combahee Ferry was a military operation during the American Civil War; it was conducted on June 1 and June 2, 1863, by elements of the Union Army along the Combahee River in Beaufort and Colleton counties in southeast South Carolina.

Stanton Davis Kirkham

He was born in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France, the only child of Major Murray S. Davis (Commander, 8th Calvalry, Troop A, Camp Winfield Scott, Nevada, 1867) and Julia Edith Kirkham Davis, daughter of Gen. Ralph Wilson Kirkham, Union Army general, who adopted Kirkham and brought him to the United States.

Thomas William Sweeny

Thomas William Sweeny (December 25, 1820 – April 10, 1892) was an Irish soldier who served in the Mexican-American War and then was a general in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

Waldo Covered Bridge

The bridge was used as an access route in April 1865 by Wilson's Raiders during the American Civil War, a cavalry group led by Union Army General James H. Wilson.

William Henry Harrison Beadle

Shortly after graduating in 1861, he enlisted in the Union Army and by the end of the war had risen to the rank of brigadier general.

William Lee Golden

In order to protect their valuable gold and silver from approaching Union soldiers, the occupants buried the metals in the ground surrounding the house.