
unusual facts about Unit One

Unit One

It held one exhibition, which began at the Mayor Gallery in Cork Street, London, and then went on an extended tour, closing in Belfast in 1935.

see also

Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company

Sub Unit One provided naval gunfire and close air in support of South Vietnamese Army and Marine units, South Korean Army and Marine units, Australian and New Zealand Armed Forces as well as United States Army and Marine combat Divisions.

Transmeta Efficeon

Internally, the Efficeon has two arithmetic logic units, two load/store/add units, two execute units, two floating-point/MMX/SSE/SSE2 units, one branch prediction unit, one alias unit, and one control unit.

Waage Sandø

From television he is particularly remembered from hit series Landsbyen (The Village, 1991–1996, alongside Danish superstars Peter Schrøder and Niels Skousen), Rejseholdet (Unit One, with Lars Bom) and most recently as director Kaj Holger Nielsen in Krøniken (The Chronicle, 2003–2006).