
5 unusual facts about United World College of Costa Rica

Santa Ana, Costa Rica

Santa Ana hosts the United World College of Costa Rica which offers the IB program for international students.

The St. Michael School

Two students went to the United World College Costa Rica (Santa Ana, Costa Rica) and one to the United World College-USA (Montezuma, USA) ".

United World College of Costa Rica

Given its historic connection with SOS Children's Villages, UWC Costa Rica aims to ensure that students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds are admitted to the school each year.

The College, formerly the "Colegio Internacional SOS Hermann Gmeiner," opened in August 2006 and graduated its first UWC-admitted applicants in 2008.

The United World College Costa Rica (UWC Costa Rica) (Spanish - Colegio del Mundo Unido Costa Rica), located in the Santa Ana suburb of San José, is the 11th United World College and the first to offer instruction in both English and Spanish.

see also