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Lesser studied medicine at the University of Berlin, and from 1877 to 1884 was an assistant at the institute of pharmacology in Berlin.
Adolf Smekal studied at the Technische Hochschule, Vienna (1912–1913), received his doctorate from the University of Graz (1913–1917), and then studied at the University of Berlin (1917–1919).
Later he studied musicology and philosophy with Johannes Wolf and Friedrich Blumein at the University of Berlin (1929–31), as well as taking composition lessons (1927–32) with John Ireland.
He was educated at University of Berlin and the mining school in Clausthal.
Albert Samuel Gatschet (October 3, 1832, Beatenberg, Canton of Bern – March 16, 1907) was a Swiss-American ethnologist who trained as a linguist in the universities of Bern and Berlin, but later moved to the United States in order to study Native American languages, in which field he was a pioneer.
On his return to Germany, he went to the University of Berlin, where he was privatdocent, and in 1856 became an adjunct professor of the language and literature of ancient India.
He was born at Kastellaun near Coblenz, and educated at the University of Berlin, where he took his Ph. D. in 1868.
Cieszkowski studied at the Jagiellonian University and in then, from 1832, at the University of Berlin where he became interested in Hegelianism through the lectures of Karl Ludwig Michelet, who became a lifelong friend.
Löwe received his BA in mathematics and philosophy at the University of Hamburg and continued his studies at the University of Tübingen, the University of Berlin and Berkeley.
During the year 1895-96, he was Professor of Greek Literature at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, and during the year 1909-10, Roosevelt Professor at the University of Berlin.
He was educated at the University of Virginia (1857-1860), graduated at the Union Theological Seminary in 1863, and studied further at the University of Berlin.
Everett graduated from Bowdoin College in 1850, after which he studied at the University of Berlin.
In 1902 he received his PhD from the University of Berlin under supervision of Gustav Schmoller.
He studied at the University of Jena under Ernst Buschor and Hans Diepolder, and then at the University of Berlin with Werner Jaeger, where he earned his first doctorate.
In 1870 he received his medical doctorate at the University of Berlin, and during the Franco-Prussian War, he served as an assistant at the Reserve Lazareth in Berlin.
He went to Europe for further study under Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur; first at the University of Berlin, then at the Zoological Station in Naples, and finally at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.
While still a student at the University of Berlin, d'Arrest was party to Johann Gottfried Galle's search for Neptune.
Educated in the public schools of his native town and at the rabbinical colleges of Tolcsva and Pressburg, Hungary, Brody also studied at the Hildesheimer Theological Seminary and at the University of Berlin, being an enthusiastic scholar of the Hebrew language and literature.
He later went on to study at the University of Berlin and at the biological station of Villefranche.
In 1822 he was awarded with the military title of Generalstabsarzt (Surgeon General), and in 1824 became a full professor at the University of Berlin.
She became a secretary in the cadre-department of the Reichsbahn administration in Leipzig and was educated at the teacher seminary at Dresden in 1951/52 with a correspondence course at the University of Berlin passing a graduation as Diplom-Wirtschaftlerin in 1955.
He translated the lecture notes on Aesthetics that Hegel had distributed in the University of Berlin into Spanish as Introducción a la Estética de G.W:F.
Dieterici was an engineer-geographer in Blücher's army from 1813 to 1815, was engaged in the Ministry of Public Instruction, became professor of political science in the University of Berlin, and in 1844 was placed at the head of the statistical bureau.
Born in Stettin in Pomerania, the son of a judge, Boetticher studied law in the University of Würzburg and the University of Berlin.
He also studied under Eduard Sachau at the University of Berlin.
After that he studied law in the capital city then listened to half a year in the Universities of Berlin and Bonn.
He studied medicine at the Universities of Marburg, Berlin and Würzburg, and following graduation worked as a general practitioner in Wetzlar and Altenkirchen.
In 1897, he accepted a post as lecturer in tropical agriculture at the Agricultural University of Berlin and during the 1899/1900 winter semester, he lectured at the Agricultural University of Bonn-Poppelsdorf.
He studied at the University of Berlin and the University of Cambridge.
His uncle John Garstang excited the young Gurney's interest in Hittite studies, then in its infancy, and after a course in Akkadian at Oxford University in 1934-35, he went to the University of Berlin to study Hittite under Hans Ehelolf.
Having studied jurisprudence and political economy at the universities of Bonn, Heidelberg, Münich and Berlin, he entered the legal career at Cologne, and immediately devoted his attention to financial and commercial questions.
In 1901-02 he was professor in the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece, and in 1913-14 he was Roosevelt professor in the University of Berlin.
Going on to the University of Berlin, Salomon studied eastern European history under Theodor Schiemann (1847-1921), Byzantine history under Karl Krumbacher (1856-1921), the history of medieval law under Karl Zeurner (1849-1914), and Latin paleography under Michael Tangl (1861-1921), under whom he completed his doctoral dissertation in February 1907: Studien zur normannisch-italischen Diplomatik.
He studied law at the universities of Würzburg, Tübingen and the Free University of Berlin between 1954 and 1958.
In 1968 he was invited by Henry Kissinger to teach at the Harvard Center for International Affairs, and the following year, he was appointed as Professor at the Free University of Berlin, where he taught until his retirement in 1998.
Detlev Blanke (born 1941), an interlinguistics lecturer at Humboldt University of Berlin
Cantor biographer Joseph Dauben argues that "local circumstances" refers to the influence of Leopold Kronecker, Weierstrass' colleague at the University of Berlin.
After qualifying as a teacher of mathematics and physics Vályi was awarded a scholarship to allow him to study for two years at the University of Berlin, where the remarkable mathematics team of Kummer, Borchardt, Weierstrass and Kronecker were lecturing.
After the war he was asked to teach at the University of Berlin by the Soviet administration, where he was named Emeritus Professor.
Howard W. Johnston (1913–2005), principal founder of the Free University of Berlin
Although he left due to illness, in Germany he studied under many prominent dermatologists, including: Georg Richard Lewin, Gustav Behrend, and Oskar Lassar at the University of Berlin; Mortiz Kaposi and Isidor Neumann at the University of Vienna in Austria.
He was born in Cork and was educated at Queen's College Cork (now University College Cork), then went to Germany for advanced studies in Celtic languages, working with Heinrich Zimmer at the Friedrich Wilhelm University of Berlin (now the Humboldt University of Berlin) and later with Rudolf Thurneysen at the University of Freiburg, where he wrote his dissertation on palatalization in 1906.
In 1862 Jaffé was appointed assistant professor of history at Humboldt University of Berlin, where he lectured on Latin paleography and Roman and medieval chronology.
After the death of Anton Moortgat in 1977, who was a professor of near eastern archaeology at the Free University of Berlin, Orthmann continued the excavations of the ancient settlement at Tell Chuera (in northeast Syria) from 1982 to 1983 together with Ursula Moortgat-Correns of Berlin.
March 24 commemorates the day in 1882 when Dr Robert Koch astounded the scientific community by announcing to a small group of scientists at the University of Berlin's Institute of Hygiene that he had discovered the cause of tuberculosis, the TB bacillus.