
2 unusual facts about musicology

Louis Adolphe le Doulcet, comte de Pontécoulant

Louis Adolphe le Doulcet, comte de Pontécoulant (1794 – 20 February 1882) was a French soldier and musicologist.

Paris-Sorbonne University

Undergraduate students in their first and second years of study in French literature, French language, Latin, Ancient Greek and Musicology take their classes at the Malesherbes center.

Alan Bush

Later he studied musicology and philosophy with Johannes Wolf and Friedrich Blumein at the University of Berlin (1929–31), as well as taking composition lessons (1927–32) with John Ireland.

Aloys Fleischmann

In 1932 he went to study composition, conducting and musicology at the Academy of Music and University of Munich under Joseph Haas.

Barry Schrader

He graduated with an MA degree in musicology and then went to the newly formed California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, California, where he received an MFA in composition in 1971.

Benjamin-Gunnar Cohrs

In 1996 he finished a Postgraduate Diploma in Musicology at the University of Adelaide for which he was granted a full scholarship of the DAAD.

Bozhidar Spasov

He then became a research associate with the Musicology Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen

Bergstrøm-Nielsen completed his studies in Musicology at the University of Copenhagen in 1984.

Daniel Fischlin

Fischlin has a BFA in Music Performance, an MA in Interdisciplinary Studies (Musicology/English Literature; Concordia University), and a PhD in English Literature (York University), with a dissertation on the English lute song directed by Richard Hillman.

David Grandis

After receiving a B.M. in Musicology in France, he completed a M.M. in orchestral conducting at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with Donald Schleicher and a G.P.D. at the Peabody Conservatory with Gustav Meier and Markand Thakar.

Dezider Kardoš

After finishing the high school (1933), he studied at the Music and Drama Academy where he attended courses of composition of Alexander Moyzes and at the same time attended the lectures in musicology, aesthetics and arts history at the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University.


Coming from a classical-music education (piano and musicology studies), Dilemn got interested in electro music through different music styles such as hip hop, drum 'n' bass, techno, and breaks before stopping on electro at the age of 22.

Dirk Andries Flentrop

To honor his achievements, in 1968 Flentrop was awarded an honorary doctorate in musicology by the American Oberlin College, Ohio for his "pioneering work in classic organ building".

Elena Cernei

In 1961, she was made Artistă Emerită (Honoured Artist) of the Republic of Romania and in 1999 received the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from the National University of Music Bucharest for her contributions to the field of musicology.

Emmanuel Villaume

He continued his studies in Paris at Khâgne and the Sorbonne where he studied literature, philosophy and musicology.

Ernst Kurth

Kurth studied musicology with Guido Adler (a student of Bruckner and Hanslick) in Vienna, and earned his Ph.D (1908) with a thesis about Christoph Willibald Gluck's's operatic style.

Fariborz Lachini

After the Islamic Revolution he moved to Europe to study Musicology in the Universite de Paris - Sorbonne.

Felix von Kraus

Born in Vienna, he received a doctorate in musicology from the University of Vienna in 1894; as a singer, however, he was mainly self-taught.

Francis Travis

Born in Detroit, Michigan, his advanced musical studies were at the University of Zurich, with a Ph.D. in Musicology after writing a dissertation on Giuseppe Verdi.

Friedhelm Döhl

Döhl studied composition with Wolfgang Fortner and piano with Carl Seemann at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, and also musicology, German philology, art history, and philosophy concurrently at the Universities of Freiburg and Göttingen.

Gamal Abdel-Rahim

In 1950 he began university studies in musicology at the Musikhochschule of Heidelberg in West Germany, deciding on a career as a composer.

Gaston Allaire

He went on to earn a PhD in musicology from Boston University in 1960 after writing a doctoral thesis entitled The masses of Claudin de Sermisy.

Gerard Béhague

He earned a diploma from the latter (1959), a masters degree in musicology from the University of Paris (Sorbonne; 1962), and a Ph.D. in musicology from Tulane University (1966), where he studied under the noted music historian Gilbert Chase.

Hans Hickmann

Hans Robert Hermann Hickmann (b. Roßlau, Germany, May 19, 1908; d. Blandford Forum, England, September 4, 1968) was an eminent German musicologist.

Hans Redlich

From 1929 until 1931, Redlich studied musicology at Frankfurt University and completed a dissertation on stylistic changes in Monteverdi's madrigals.

Jeffrey Gedmin

He earned his Masters degree in German Area Studies (Literature concentration) from American University in Washington, D.C. He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from American University and also studied musicology for a year at the University of Salzburg in Austria.

Jürgen Budday

Jürgen Budday studied music education, church music and musicology at the Academy of Music in Stuttgart and, since 1979, has been teaching music at the Evangelical Seminary Maulbronn, a Protestant private boarding school in Maulbronn.


According to musicologist Richard Taruskin, the traditional Kamarinskaya is "a quick dance tune" otherwise known as a nagriish, distinctive for its three-bar phrase lengths, which are played in an endless number of variations in moto perpetuo fashion by an instrumentalist.

Leigh Landy

Marc Battier, Professor of Musicology, Paris-Sorbonne University says
"The contribution of Leigh Landy to the understanding of recent developments in music technology is paramount. Landy's thoughts on electronic music address the essence of this musical genre".

Lucia Ronchetti

She subsequently studied musicology with François Lesure at the École Pratique des Hautes Études en Sorbonne and received a doctorate with her thesis on the orchestral style of Ernest Chausson and Wagnerian influence on late 19th-century French orchestral writing.

Manfred Stahnke

He also holds a doctoral degree in musicology, with a thesis on the subject of Pierre Boulez' Third Piano Sonata (1979, under Constantin Floros in Hamburg).

Mathilde Grooss Viddal

The collaboration was formed in 2004 by the name Chateau Neuf Friensemble, with a history from the 1960s University Big Band and the musical environment surrounding the Department of Musicology at University of Oslo.

Maya Badian

She has over 120 published compositions, as well as musicology and pedagogy works in the Library and Archives Canada, the American Library of Congress, the International Library for Contemporary Music in Paris, and other libraries worldwide.

Michel Philippot

Michel Paul Philippot (2 February 1925 in Verzy – 28 July 1996 in Vincennes) was a French composer, mathematician, acoustician, musicologist, aesthetician, broadcaster, and educator.

Music of Sicily

American musicologist Alan Lomax made some historic recordings of Sicilian traditional music in the 20th century, including lullabies, dance music, festival music, epic storytelling and religious music.

New musicology

In 1980 Joseph Kerman published the article "How We Got into analysis, and How to Get Out," calling for a change in musicology.

Opera in Arabic

On March 6, 2008, at the 8th Al-Ain Classical Music Festival at Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates, Polish opera director Ryszard Peryt directed Egyptian musicologist Aly Sadek's translation of Mozart's Don Giovanni, as performed by soloists, the choir of the Université Antonine, Baabda, Lebanon, and the Warsaw Philharmonic's Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Zbigniew Graca.

Philip Bračanin

He pursued graduate studies at the same school in musicology and composition, earning an MA in 1968 and a PhD in 1970.

Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music

The degrees are offered with one of the following foci: Gregorian chant, composition, choral direction, musicology, pipe organ and pianoforte.

Şerban Nichifor

In 1994, he received a Ph.D. in Musicology from National University of Music and from 1990 to 1994, also studied at the Theology Faculty of the University of Bucharest.

Tanvir Mokammel

Achin Pakhi (The Unknown Bard): A documentary on the life and musicology of Fakir Lalon Shah, the doyen among the wandering sect of the folk-singers of rural Bengal known as the Bauls.

Victor Mishalow

Mishalow graduated from the Sydney University B.A. (1984) with a double major in Musicology and Ethno-musicology, continuing post-graduate studies at the Sydney College of Advanced Education Dip.

Zbigniew Karkowski

He studied composition at the State College of Music in Gothenburg, Sweden, aesthetics of modern music at the University of Gothenburg’s Department of Musicology, and computer music at the Chalmers University of Technology.

Zdeněk Nejedlý

In 1908 he began to lecture in musicology at Charles University, forming a circle of devoted young colleagues that included Zich and Vladimír Helfert.

Zofia Lissa

In 1948 she organized the Department of Musicology at the University of Warsaw and from 1958-75 served as its director.

Zulu music

The song was in a traditional Zulu choral style, which soon came to the attention of American musicologist Alan Lomax, who brought to the song to folk singer Pete Seeger, then of The Weavers.

see also