He completed his education with a doctorate in theology from the University of Graz in 1905.
He studied business administration at the University of Graz and at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
In 1983, he completed his PhD studies at the University of Graz, Austria, with a dissertation in cosmochemistry.
She also received an Austrian Government grant in order to carry out research at the University of Graz in Austria in 2008.
The Graz School of experimental psychology and object theory was headed by Alexius Meinong, who was professor and Chair of Philosophy at the University of Graz where he founded the Graz psychological institute (in 1894).
Fiedler studied Germanistics (German Studies) and acting at the University of Graz.
Böhmig was a professor at the University of Graz, where he was a long-time collaborator of zoologist Ludwig von Graff (1851–1924).
She has been visiting professor at the University of Graz (Austria), as well as lecturer at the Universities of Paris IV (Sorbonne - France), Mainz (Germany), Gießen (Germany), Kassel (Germany), Bamberg, and the J.W. Goethe-University in Frankfurt (Germany).
Ordained priest at Bratislava in 1596 and afterwards working as a teacher in Žilina and Prague, he was called to the Jesuit University of Graz in Styria as professor of philosophy in 1600, became professor of theology in 1606, and in 1614 was appointed rector of the college.
Since 1995, Mr. Kless has divided his time between Europe - as professor at the Graz University (Austria) - and Israel.
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Adolf Smekal studied at the Technische Hochschule, Vienna (1912–1913), received his doctorate from the University of Graz (1913–1917), and then studied at the University of Berlin (1917–1919).
From 1823 to 1825 he was supplementary professor of Biblical science, becoming afterwards professor of aesthetics and classical philology at the University of Graz.
He was born in Southern Bohemia to Austrian parents, and studied at the University of Graz.
Rintelen was the son of a well-known lawyer and studied law at University of Graz from 1894 to 1898, at which pointed he began lecturing in civil law at the university.
Theodor Wertheim changed to the University of Graz and Than was offered the vacant position which he occupied until his retirement in 1908.
He was educated there, and in 1911 received a PhD in natural sciences from the University of Graz.
The club arose from an informal association of local academics around the medical student Georg August Wagner from Prague, later a professor at the Charles University and the Charité in Berlin.
Soon the mathematical abilities of Streintz were discovered, so he occupied the subjects mathematics, physics and chemistry at the University of Graz.
In 1850 he became editor of the Freiburger Zeitung; in 1852 he became involved in a quarrel with the Government of Baden and, on this account, accepted a call as professor of Austrian history from the University of Graz, where he remained during the years 1853-91.
In 1850 he obtained the theological doctorate in Tübingen, and during the same year was appointed professor of moral theology in Graz.
He received his doctorate in law in 1867 at the University of Graz and was considered a disciple of Friedrich Maassen, who influenced him in the application of the historical method.
From 1901 to 1905 Hess was an undergraduate student at the University of Graz, and continued postgraduate studies in physics until he received his PhD there in 1910.
In 1945 he commenced studies in art history, archeology, history and philosophy at the University of Graz and graduated in 1952.