
5 unusual facts about philology

Georg Friedrich Wreede

He had been a student in Philology in Helmstedt and within four years of his arrival he had written a compendium using the Greek alphabet on Khoekhoegowab - then called Hottentot - consisting of sentences with Dutch translations.

Josiah S. Carberry

The lecture, on "Archaic Greek Architectural Revetments in Connection with Ionian Philology" was, of course, never given, and when asked, John Spaeth obligingly provided false details about the professor's (fictional) family and (non-existent) academic interests.


This helps him begin to understand and learn the languages of the planet of Malacandra (Mars) in the first book, Out of the Silent Planet

Linear B, a script used in the ancient Aegean, was deciphered in 1952 by Michael Ventris, who demonstrated that it recorded an early form of Greek, now known as Mycenaean Greek.

Stephen H. West

Stephen H. West, Ph.D (Traditional Chinese: 奚如谷, pinyin: Xī Rúgǔ, born January 6, 1944) is a sinologist, philologist, and translator.

Ahmet Emin Atasoy

Graduated from the Department of Turkish Philology at Sofia University.

Amina Alaoui

Amina went to school at Lycée Descartes and studied philology and Spanish and Arabic linguistics at the University of Madrid and the University of Granada.

Ana Kalandadze

She graduated from the Faculty of Philology at Tbilisi State University in 1946, and published her first poems the same year.

Ana Matnadze

In 2003, Matnadze graduated from the Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Foreign Language and Literature Department, with a Degree in Philology (German Language and Literature).

Ataol Behramoğlu

Between November 1972 and June 1974, he worked as a research assistant at Moscow State University Faculty of Russian Philology, Chair of Russian and Soviet Literature.

Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira

Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira (May 3, 1910 – February 28, 1989) was a Brazilian lexicographer, philologist, translator, and writer, best known for editing the Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa, a major dictionary of the Portuguese language.

Beğlan Birand Toğrol

She has then enrolled to the English Philology Department of Istanbul University where she got certificates both in English Literature and in Psychology (1945–1949).

Božidar Petranović

By the early twentieth century, this led to the founding of a Department of World Literature in the School of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade; its first professor was Svetomir Nikolajević, later Professor in the School of Philology at the University of Belgrade.

Cantiorix Inscription

John Rhys had read the Latin text as "Cantiori Hic Jacit Venedotis Cive Fuit Consobrino Magli Magistrati" in his Lectures on Welsh Philology (1877), noting that "the person commemorated was a man of importance, and a Venedotian citizen, whatever that may exactly mean".

Codex Augiensis

W. H. P. Hatch, On the Relationship of Codex Augiensis and Codex Boernerianus of the Pauline Epistles, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol.

Columbia University Department of Philosophy

It also benefits from the presence or activity nearby of other departments' faculty such as Souleymane Bachir Diagne from French and Romance Philology, Joseph Raz and R. Kent Greenawalt from Law School, or Jon Elster from Political Science.

Curt Wittlin

Curt Wittlin (born 1941, Reinach, Baselland) is a Swiss philologist and an expert of medieval Catalan language and literature.

Dora Sakayan

Sakayan began her graduate studies in Germanic philology in 1958 at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU), completing them in 1961.

Elsie Alvarado de Ricord

She was professor of general linguistics, literary theory, phonetics and Spanish historic grammar; also she was member of the Latin America Linguistics and Philology Association and of the Inter-American Linguistics and Languages Learning Programme and a corresponding member of the Royal Spanish Academy, member of the Uruguayan National Academy of Letters and of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language.

Felipe Maillo Salgado

Graduated in Spanish Philology and Geography & History by Salamanca University (1978) and in Semitic Philology by University of Granada (1979), earning a doctorate in Spanish Philology at Salamanca University by 1981.

Fred Donner

He then studied oriental philology for a year (1970-1971) at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität in Erlangen, Germany, before returning to Princeton for doctoral work.

Friedhelm Döhl

Döhl studied composition with Wolfgang Fortner and piano with Carl Seemann at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, and also musicology, German philology, art history, and philosophy concurrently at the Universities of Freiburg and Göttingen.

Friedrich Bouterwek

Friedrich Ludewig Bouterwek (15 April 1766 – 9 August 1828), German philosopher and critic, was born to a mining director at Oker, today a district of Goslar in Lower Saxony, and studied law and philology under Christian Gottlob Heyne and Johann Georg Heinrich Feder at the University of Göttingen.

Georg Bühler

Bühler was born to Rev. Johann G. Bühler in Borstel, Hanover, attended high school in Hanover where he mastered Greek and Latin, then university as a student of theology and philosophy at Göttingen, where he studied classical philology, Sanskrit, Zend, Persian, Armenian, and Arabic.

Glenda Leon

She has also studied Classical Ballet and Philology at the University of Havana, where she got a BA in Art History.

Guido Rings

After the completion of first degrees in Spanish, German and History (1st Staatsexamen) and PGCE equivalents in these subject areas (2nd Staatsexamen), Guido Rings received his PhD in Spanish Philology and his postdoctoral degree (Habilitation) from the University of Trier in 1996 and 2005.

Gustav Haloun

Honey, David B., Incense at the Altar: Pioneering Sinologists and the Development of Classical Chinese Philology, 2001, pp. 152-66.


Charles H. Beeson, The Collectaneum of Hadoard, Classical Philology, Vol.

Jakob Schipper

He studied modern languages in Bonn, Paris, Rome, and Oxford, collaborated on the revision of Bosworth's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, and was professor of English philology at Königsberg from 1872 until 1877, when he received a like position in Vienna.

Jon Juaristi

He has occupied the chair of Spanish Philology at the University of the Basque Country, the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center at New York University, and has been titular professor of the Chair of Contemporary Thought of the Cañada Blanch Foundation at the University of Valencia.

José Ortega Torres

José Ortega Torres majored in Romance Philology at the University of Granada between 1966 and 1969 and in 1971 read his dissertation "Aproximación a la poesía de Rafael Guillén" (Approach to the poetry of Rafael Guillén), under the supervision of Professor Emilio Orozco Díaz.

Joseph Kehrein

After studying philology at the University of Giessen from 1831 to 1834, he taught at the gymnasium of Darmstadt, 1835–1837, at that of Mainz, 1837–1845, was prorector at the newly founded gymnasium of Hadamar in Nassau, 1845–1846, professor at the same place, 1846–1855, director of the Catholic teachers' seminary at Montabaur, 1855–1876, and at the same time director of the Realschule at the same place, 1855–1866.

Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra

He has also been deputy of the Assembly for Badajoz, General Secretary of PSOE of Extremadura, Executive Secretary of the Executive Federal Commission of the PSOE and teacher in commission of services for political matters of the Department of Hispanic Philology of the University of Extremadura in the Department of Education of Badajoz.

Karl Emil Franzos

He would have liked to study classical philology with the aim of becoming a teacher, but no scholarship was forthcoming.

Karl Müllenhoff

Karl Viktor Müllenhoff (born September 8, 1818, in Marne, Duchy of Holstein; died February 19, 1884, in Berlin) was a German philologist and a student of Teutonic antiquities.

Louis Godart

He is a specialist in Mycenaean archaeology and philology and holds the chair of philology at the University of Naples Federico II.

Louis-Adrien Berbrugger

Berbrugger (May 11, 1801 – July 2, 1869) was a French archeologist and philologist.

Magne Oftedal

He was born in Sandnes in the county of Rogaland in 1921 and began studying for a degree in philology at the University of Oslo but his studies were interrupted by the Second World War and he only managed to complete his degree in 1947.

Maren Niemeyer

She studied journalism, German philology and film studies at the Sorbonne in Paris and Freien Universität Berlin from 1984 till 1990.

Mariana Marin

Educated in Bucharest during the time of the Romanian relative cultural freesom of the 1960s, she went on to receive a degree in philology from the University of Bucharest in 1980, starting a grade school teacher career that lasted almost ten years, first in a village along the Danube, then in Bucharest.

Miguel Pardeza

After four years of law studies and Hispanic philology at the University of Zaragoza (1994–99), Pardeza prepared a thesis on César González Ruano, a Spanish journalist/writer.

Neda Ukraden

Respecting the wishes of her father, she attended University of Sarajevo where she unsuccessfully attempted degrees in Law and Philology, English language.

Peter Ernst von Lasaulx

Although the Würzburg government tried to keep him there, Lasaulx left in 1844 to become Professor of Philology and Aesthetics at the University of Munich, where he became known for his magnetic style.

Saul Isaac Kaempf

Four years later he entered the University of Halle, took up philosophy and philology, and became one of the favorite pupils of Gesenius.

Umberto Tirelli

His contribution was essential to them in terms of culture, philology of fashion, the recovery of age-old techniques, the quest for authentic outfits (he had a Collection of 15,000 items, dating from the seventeenth century to the days of Chanel and Dior) in almost archaeological excavations in attics, lofts, abandoned armoires, among the rags of the flea markets.

Věra Barandovská-Frank

Věra Barandovská-Frank (born 17 August 1952 in Opava) is a Czech Esperantist and philologist, at La Internacia Sciencista Dokumentaro.

Werner Lehfeldt

In February 9, 1996 he became a full member of Philology and History class of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Wilhelm Ebel

He did his Abitur in Reszel in 1927, and studied law, history, and philology at the University of Königsberg and Heidelberg University.

Zofia Romanowiczowa

She then studied romance philology in Paris, where she met her husband, Kazimierz Romanowicz, director of the bookstore and publishing company Libella, on the Ile Saint Louis, from 1946 to 1993.

see also