The previous Directors are: Professor Odell, Professor Brand, Professor Steven Lamy, and before that Professor Jonathan Aronson, Professor Friedheim; Professor Biersteker; Professor Fry; Professor Berkes.
California | Harvard University | Columbia University | Yale University | University of Paris | New York University | Stanford University | Princeton University | University of Cambridge | University of Pennsylvania | University of Michigan | University of Chicago | University of California, Berkeley | University of Toronto | Cornell University | University of Oxford | University of London | University of Oslo | high school | Cambridge University | ATP International Series | University of Southern California | McGill University | Johns Hopkins University | Northwestern University | University of California | Brown University | Berkeley, California | University of Queensland | University of Minnesota |
He is also a senior fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, a joint project of USC Annenberg and the USC College’s School of International Relations, and an adjunct fellow at the Pacific Council on International Policy.