Univerzitet u Prištini - the institution under Serbian administration (located in Kosovska Mitrovica)
Following establishing NATO control over the territory of Kosovo, the Albanian faculty gained control of the campus after the end of the Kosovo War in 1999, while the Serbian faculty relocated first to central Serbia (from 1999 to 2001 the seat was in Kruševac) and two years later to the northern Kosovo (the seat is currently in Kosovska Mitrovica).
Following establishing NATO control over the territory of Kosovo, the Albanian faculty gained control of the campus after the end of the Kosovo War in 1999, and Serbian faculty relocated first to central Serbia (from 1999 to 2001 the seat was in Kruševac) and two years later to the northern Kosovo (the seat is currently in North Kosovska Mitrovica).
Andrijana Videnović (born 1 September 1964) is a Serbian theater and movie actress and Associate Professor of Diction at the University of Pristina Faculty of Arts, in North Kosovo.
In 2000, Serbian historian Marko Atlagić published a paper in a Univerzitet u Prištini journal in which he claimed numerous noble families from the Republic of Ragusa to be Serbian, including the Bošković's.