
unusual facts about Up in Arms

Globus pharyngis

A notable fictional sufferer was Danny Weems in the 1944 film Up in Arms, a hypochondriac who constantly complained about a "clicking" in his throat, especially when he turned his neck.

see also

José María Obando

The conflict began when Congress passed a law to suppress small convents and monasteries and re-appropriate the land in Pasto, the law was not intended to punish the Church as the places in question were indeed small and sparingly occupied by mostly Ecuadorian clergy, but the deeply Roman Catholic province went up in arms at the involvement of the government in their religious affairs, even after the Bishop of Popayán had approved of the measure.

Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays

In a response to the disaster, all the adults of Springfield who do not have children (single people, the elderly, couples who do not have children, teenagers, and homosexuals) are up in arms, because Kabul has declared they will no longer be Springfield's sister city and Mayor Quimby forcibly takes $1 million from the audience to cover the damages.