
2 unusual facts about Upper Ammonoosuc River

Upper Ammonoosuc River

: Phillips Brook, rising in Erving's Location,

: the West Branch of the Upper Ammonoosuc rising on the eastern slope of Mount Cabot in Kilkenny, draining Unknown Pond and York Pond, and joining the main stem below the Godfrey Dam.

see also

Nash Stream

Nash Stream rises on the western slopes of Whitcomb Mountain in the township of Odell, New Hampshire and flows south-southwest through the town of Stratford to join the Upper Ammonoosuc River in the town of Stark.

Phillips Brook

Phillips Brook rises in the township of Erving's Location, New Hampshire in the vicinity of Kelsey Notch and flows south through Odell, Millsfield and Dummer to join the Upper Ammonoosuc River in the town of Stark near the village of Crystal.