
9 unusual facts about Urabá

Belén de Bajirá

In 2000 the authorities of the Chocó State founded and approved the municipality in the limits with the Antioquia State, north-east of Chocó and south of the Antioquean Urabá.

Peasant Self-Defense Forces of Córdoba and Urabá

Autodefensas Campesinas de Córdoba y Urabá (ACCU), Spanish for Peasant Self-Defense Forces of Córdoba and Urabá, was a paramilitary group formed in northwestern Colombia, operating mainly in the Antioquia Department and Córdoba Department.

Popular Liberation Army

Most of the demobilized guerrillas formed Esperanza, Paz y Libertad (Hope, Peace and Liberty), a political party, which claimed to defend the interests of workers and labor unions, especially around the Urabá area in the departments of Antioquia and Córdoba.

Province of Tierra Firme

In 1509, authority was granted to Alonso de Ojeda and Diego de Nicuesa, to colonize the territories between the west side of the Gulf of Urabá and Cabo de la Vela, and Urabá westward to Cabo Gracias a Dios in present-day Honduras.

The eastern frontier of Tierra Firme also included the east side of the Gulf of Darién or Urabá, the east side of the Atrato and Truando rivers, ending in Cabo Marzo on the Pacific side.


The region of Urabá and Darien began in 1501 with the first Spaniard explorations of Rodrigo de Bastidas, Vasco Núñez de Balboa and Juan de la Cosa.

To travel to the State capital, Quibdó at its south, people use the river and the same to reach the Gulf of Urabá and therefore the Turbo Port.

Taboga Island

At low tide, the northern end of the island is joined by a sand bar to the small island of El Morro, and the southeastern end is 270 meters from the neighboring Urabá island.


Urabá Antioquia, a subregion of the Antioquia department, Colombia


Carlos Castaño Gil, (1965-2004) the founder of the Peasant Self-Defense Forces of Córdoba and Urabá (ACCU), an extreme right paramilitary organization in Colombia.

History of Mexico

The Spanish founded San Sebastian de Uraba in 1509—abandoned within the year, and in 1510 the first permanent Spanish mainland settlement in America, Santa María la Antigua del Darién.

Province of Tierra Firme

Between these limits lie Santa Maria La Antigua Del Darien on the Gulf of Urabá and Jurado on the Pacific side.

Spanish Colombian

In 1510 Alonso de Ojeda founded San Sebastián de Urabá, the first Spanish settlement on the mainland, but that same year its provisional ruling, Francisco Pizarro, decided to leave and moved to a site in the Gulf of Urabá and founded under the direction of Martín Fernández de Enciso to Santa María la Antigua del Darién.

Spanish conquest of the Chibchan Nations

There they founded Santa María la Antigua del Darién (c. 1509) and the now-vanished town of San Sebastian de Urabá (c. 1508-1510), the first two European settlements on the mainland of the Americas.

see also