
unusual facts about Uranographia


Palm Heinrich Ludwig von Boguslawski

A native of Magdeburg, Boguslawski met Johann Elert Bode (1747–1826), who was an observatory director in Berlin and published the celestial atlas Uranographia, at the Prussian Military Academy in Berlin between 1811–12, when Boguslawski did his military service.

Rho2 Arae

It received this designation when the star was catalogued by Bode in his Uranographia.

Sigma Hydrae

It is also known by the proper name Minchir, and appears as Minchir es-schudscha' on Bode's large star atlas, Uranographia, which is derived from the Arabic Minkhir al-Shuja‘, "the Nostril of Hydra", for this star.

see also