
unusual facts about Urbain de Maillé-Brézé


Urbain de Maillé-Brézé (1597–1650), Marshall of France, General, Top French aristocrat

Henri Evrard, marquis de Dreux-Brézé

Henri Evrard, marquis de Dreux-Brézé (1762-1829), succeeded his father Thomas as master of the ceremonies to Louis XVI in 1781.

Marie de Valois

Her older sister Charlotte married Jacques de Brézé, Count of Maulevrier, and mothered Louis de Brézé, seigneur d'Anet, husband of Diane de Poitiers.

Philip De Carteret, 6th of St Ouen

During the Wars of the Roses, Queen Margaret, the wife of Henry VI, made an agreement with Pierre de Brézé, Comte de Maulevrier, the seneschal of Normandy, to raise an army, in aid of the Lancastrian cause, to capture Jersey and in the process to provide a refuge if it should be needed in the event of Yorkist success.

Pierre de Brézé

The best contemporary account of Pierre de Brézé is given in the Chroniques of the Burgundian chronicler, Georges Chastellain, who had been his secretary.

see also