
unusual facts about Urinal


Marcel Duchamp's Fountain (1917), an influential pieces of modern art, is a urinal which Duchamp signed "R. Mutt".


20th-century French art

At the an art show in New York in 1917 Duchamp presented a white porcelain urinal signed R. Mutt as work of art, becoming the father of the "readymade".

Anti-Urinal Law

The Anti-Urinal Bill (or Proposition 411), is legislation that was passed by the Wheelock city council in Wheelock, Texas on March 1952.

David Stratton

In 2008 he released his autobiography called I Peed on Fellini, a reference to a drunken attempt to shake Federico Fellini's hand while using a urinal.

Thomas F. Goreau

He founded the marine laboratory at Discovery Bay, Jamaica in an abandoned urinal on a fisherman's beach in the early 1960s.

see also