
5 unusual facts about Uskoks


Due to its location, closest to the Uskoks of Senj, it served as a lookout point and the first line of defence against the Uskoks.


The Ottoman conquest of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the early years of the 16th century drove large numbers of Croats from their homes, which in the town of Klis prompted the formation of the Uskok military.

At Senj, the Uskoci of Klis were soon joined by other refugees from Novi Vinodolski in northwestern Croatia, from Otočac on the Gacka River, and from other Croatian towns and villages.

Today, a traditional unit of uskoks called Kliški uskoci ("Klisian uskoks") exists as a ceremonial regiment in honour of the national legacy of uskoks in Croatia.

Their presence has also been traced near Učka in Istria, where such significant family names as Novlian (from Novi Vinodolski), Ottocian (from Otočac) and Clissan (from Klis, older orthography), were noted by Franceschi in 1879.


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