The village is the site of a modern monument called the "Arctic Henge" which is aligned to the heavens and is inspired by the mythical world of Eddic poem Völuspá (Prophecy of the Seeress).
The plotline of the story is based on the myths of Thor's expedition to Jotunhem as told in the Gylfaginning section of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, and the Völva's prophecy regarding Ragnarok in the poem Völuspá, preserved in the Poetic Edda.
The film takes its title from Völuspá, an ancient Norse poem which describes the time before the Ragnarök, the end of the world.
In the Poetic Edda, Urðarbrunnr is mentioned in stanzas 19 and 20 of the poem Völuspá, and stanza 111 of the poem Hávamál.
The Norwegian band Burzum released a Skaldic metal album titled Umskiptar in 2012, where an old Norse translation of Völuspa provided the lyrics for the entire album.
Völuspá |
Snorri Sturluson states in his Gylfaginning (34) that "Loki's brothers are Býleistr and Helblindi", and several Eddic texts use the Loki-kenning "brother of Býleistr" (bróðir Býleists) (Völuspá, 51; Hyndluljóð, 40; Skáldskaparmál, 16).
Hildr is also mentioned along with other valkyries in Völuspá, Darraðarljóð and other Old Norse poems.
The major sources for myths about Jörmungandr are the Prose Edda, the skaldic poem Húsdrápa, and the Eddic poems Hymiskviða and Völuspá.
Snorri's knowledge of Níðhöggr seems to come from two of the Eddic poems: Grímnismál and Völuspá.