
unusual facts about Vĩnh Long

Đồng Tháp Province

Đồng Tháp is 165 km away from Ho Chi Minh City, bordered by Pray Veng Province (Cambodia) in the north with a length of more than 48 km; Vĩnh Long and Cần Thơ in the south; An Giang in the west; and Long An and Tiền Giang in the east.

see also

Rice production in Vietnam

Important places of interest in the Mekong Delta are: Vĩnh Long homesteads, Mỹ Tho (gateway to the Mekong Delta, a town founded in 1680 originally by the Chinese refugees, now inhabited by locals practicing vocations of fishing and rice cultivation), and Bến Tre town and canals, Khmer pagodas, Trà Vinh – Mekong's first inhabitants, floating fish farms, Cham villages near the town of Châu Đốc, Phú Quốc island and many more sights.

Tonkin Expeditionary Corps

On 23 December the transports Vinh Long, Européen, Comorin and Cholon left Toulon to embark the Legion, Turco and Bat' d'Af' reinforcements at Mers-el-Kebir and Oran.