
unusual facts about VII Corps

Into the Storm – On the Ground in Iraq

It is also a partial biography of General Frederick M. Franks, Jr., who is considered to be a military visionary and a distinguished combat commander, famous for having led the Gulf War coalition VII Corps in the highly successful "Left Hook" maneuver against fourteen Iraqi divisions of the Iraqi Republican Guard, forcing a retreat with fewer than 100 American casualties lost to enemy action — a feat unmatched in modern warfare.

see also

Battle of Eckmühl

The resulting Battle of Abensberg was a clear, French victory, following which Napoleon ordered all but Davout's III Corps and Lefebvre’s (Bavarian) VII Corps to pursue and destroy what he thought was the remains of the Austrian Army.

Eugen Ritter von Schobert

He received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for his leadership of the VII Corps in the breakthrough of the Maginot Line and the capture of Nancy and Toul.