
unusual facts about Vader

Vader's Quest

Thurlow Harris, a captured Rebel pilot who barely escaped the Death Star battle, informs him of the pilot's identity—Vader's son, Luke Skywalker—and Vader sets up a plan for catching him, which eventually fails.

Bloodymania 6

Featured matches on the undercard included a tag team match where the team of Vader and Scott Steiner defeated Shaun Summers and Roderick Street, a singles match that saw Vampiro defeat Colt Cabana, and a 9 man Battle Royal match in which Zach Gowen was victorious.

Hibernus Mortis

Taking influence from a variety of sources, musically the band took inspiration from the old-school death metal bands like Incantation, Autopsy, Morbid Angel, Death, Dismember, Immolation, Entombed, Obituary, Vader and Suffocation just to name a few.


A small graveyard east of the church, in which excavations have unveiled remains of coffins and bones, is said to have been ravaged by King Gustav Vasa who was looking for raw material for his saltpetre production, a deed commented in the chronicles as Ej är kristeligt i väder så skjuta sina förfäder ("Not Christian is in public thus shoot/push one's ancestors").

Mini Abismo Negro

He teamed with Mascarita Sagrada, Jr. to defeat Mini Mankind and Mini Vader on the March 17, 1997 Raw is War television show.

Piotr Wiwczarek

Piotr Wiwczarek (born 22 October 1965 in Poland in Olsztyn), also known as Peter, (ex nickname Behemoth) is a Polish guitarist and vocalist who is the frontman for the death metal band Vader.

Purnell's History of the Second World War

Prominent historians such as John Keegan, Jerrard Tickell, W.H. Koch, Alvin D. Coox, Phyllis Auty, Martin Blumenson, Antony Brett-James, John Vader, Rudolf Bohmer, Raleigh Trevelyan produced articles, as well as AJP Taylor, who acted as editor in chief for later editions after the death of Sir Basil Liddel Hart.

Soul Demise

Despite several member changes Soul Demise have toured with well-known artists such as Vader (1997/98), Krisiun and Soilwork (1998), Immolation and Deströyer 666 (2001), Napalm Death (2002), Illdisposed (2002) and Dismember (2004) and have released some albums which were warmly welcomed by specialist publications.

WCW Disney tapings

Sid was scheduled to defeat Vader at Starrcade '93, and the material taped would have begun airing in early 1994.

WWF in Your House

The game also features wrestlers that were not in the previous game, including The Ultimate Warrior and Vader.

see also