
7 unusual facts about Vadstena

Elin Andersdotter

Elin Andersdotter was reportedly the widow of a certain Gerdt Svärdfejare from Vadstena, and remarried at an unknown time to a man by the name Hans Andersson.

Johannes Jørgensen

In 1915 settled in Assisi, only interrupted by the war years 1943–1945 when he traveled to Vadstena, Sweden to live and begin his great work on St. Birgitta.

Liten Agda and Olof Tyste

According to the legend, Agda was the daughter of a wealthy merchant, Michel (or Mickel), in the city of Vadstena.

It bears similarities to the fate of Ingeborg Jönsdotter (d. 1524), a merchant's daughter from Vadstena who was forced to enter the same convent in 1495 after a love affair with a young noble.

Nils Håkansson

Nils Håkansson (Latinized as Nicolaus Haquini) was a late medieval Swedish painter from Vadstena, known for his wall paintings in numerous churches in Scania, Sweden.

Vadstena Academy

Vadstena Academy (Swedish: Vadstena-Akademien, full name Stiftelsen internationella Vadstena-Akademien), is a music adademy founded in 1964 by opera pedagogue Ingrid Maria Rappe (1915-1994) and based in the small city of Vadstena in Sweden.

Valborg Eriksdotter

She became the official mistress of Magnus in 1560, and followed him to Vadstena when he left court to reside at Vadstena Castle as duke of Ostrogothia.

see also