
3 unusual facts about Vahram

Karl Friedrich Neumann

Vahram's Chronicle of the Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia (1831)


For the commoner, Bahram wraps fortune/glory "around the house of the worshipper, for wealth in cattle, like the great bird Saena, and as the watery clouds cover the great mountains" (Yasht 14.41, cf. the rains of Tishtrya above).

Zoroastrian calendar

Verethragna, Rāman, Vāta are respectively the hypostases of victory, the breath of life, and the (other) divinity of the wind and 'space'.


Vahram |

Hagop Vahram Çerçiyan

Hagop Vahram Çerçiyan was a professor of mathematics, geography, and calligraphy at the Robert College of Istanbul, known for designing the signature of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the first president of Turkey.

see also