
2 unusual facts about Vaidyar


Names of many such Ezhava Vaidyans from social renaissance period and on wards are noted by the community and recorded in the books.Itti Achuden was reportedly an Ezhava,who helped Gowda saraswatha Brahmin Vaidyans from south canara to identify local names of herbs seen in the mountain regions of Malabar to prepare a Dutch treatise Hortus Malabaricus on plants of Malabar.Eventually he became a notable person as a Vaidyar.

Similar occupational surnames like Vaidhya, Vaid, Vaidhh, Vaidh, Vaidya, Baid, Baidya are found in persons of other regions of India.The name Vaidyar is different from Vaadhyar of Karnataka state, which is a different community of people.


Others in the group are the eminent critic Kuttikrishna Marar, young poets Edasseri Govindan Nair, Akkitham, Kadavanad Kuttikrishnan, and Moothedath Narayanan Vaidyar.

see also