
3 unusual facts about Vajradhara


By the 4th century CE, the Trikaya Doctrine had assumed the form that we now know.


The cornerstone of the building was laid on September 21, 2003 by Tenga Rinpoche.

Vajradhara-Ling is a center affiliated to the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism located in France in Normandy nearby the city of Lisieux.

God in Buddhism

In some Mahayana texts, such a principle is occasionally presented as manifesting in a more personalised form as a primordial buddha, such as Samantabhadra, Vajradhara, Vairochana, and Adi-Buddha, among others.


The Kagyu-Dzong center is linked to the center Vajradhara-Ling in Normandy and Kalu Rinpoche entrusted the responsibility of both centers to his disciple, Lama Gyurme.

Temple of Peace

Temple for Peace, a construction project of the Buddhist congregation Vajradhara-Ling in Normandy.

see also