The show follows Maggie Gracen (Kristen Hager), who after visiting the morgue to help identify the supposed burnt body of her brother Eric (Eric Balfour), decides to infiltrate Valemont University, an exclusive, historic and secretive college in rural Massachusetts from where some of the world’s greatest leaders have graduated, that her brother attended before disappearing mysteriously.
For six consecutive weeks, two and a half minute episodes of Valemont premiered in the commercial pods directly preceding The Hills and following The City.
Neighborhoods within Penn Hills include: Blackridge, Churchill Valley, Crescent Hills, Eastvue, Laketon Heights, Lincoln Park, Milltown, Nadine, Newfield, North Bessemer, Penn Ridge, Point Breeze, Rosedale, Sandy Creek, Shannon Heights, Universal, Valemont Heights, and Verona Hilltop.