Elements of General Pozas' Army of the Centre had already begun taking flight when Líster and El Campesino showed up with their veteran brigades on February 8 and stabilized the line.
As a brigade commander, González personally took part in all of the major actions that occurred during the Nationalists' assault on Madrid in 1936.
Felipe González | Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster | José González | Miguel Ángel González | Valentín Alsina | Karl Valentin | Fernando González | Delia Gonzalez | Valentín Alsina, Buenos Aires | Joseph Valentin Boussinesq | Felipe Gonzalez | Emilio González Márquez | Elián González affair | Valentin Serov | Roque González de Santa Cruz | Rey Valentin | Miguel Ángel González (boxer) | Mark González | Jaslene Gonzalez | Charles-Valentin Alkan | Alejandro González Iñárritu | Víctor González | Valentin Zarnik | Tony Gonzalez (baseball) | Tony Gonzalez | St. Valentin | Sadrac González | Rigoberto González | Máximo González | Luis González Velázquez |