
unusual facts about Valjean


Valjean Johns (November 19, 1934 - February 10, 2003), who typically recorded under his first name only, was an American pianist best known for his recording of the theme song from the TV show Ben Casey.


Jean Valjean |

Bienvenu de Miollis

Myriel used his own silver candlesticks to redeem Jean Valjean; and, Miollis used his own silver coin to redeem the church and the presbytery of the sanctuary of Notre-Dame du Laus.


Javert goes to Arras to see Champmathieu and satisfies himself that this is the real Valjean.

Judicial system of post-Napoleonic France

While providing a deterrent for crime, hardship cases such as Jean Valjean's and Fantine's fall through the cracks of society when they deserved special attention because of the situations that attributed to the cause of the crime.

see also