
2 unusual facts about Valla


At Hop, E39 branches off from the 4-lane road and passes through two tunnels to Nesttun, wherefrom it continues south-westwards through Valla and Kaland before entering Os.

Jakob Wimpfeling

The Elegantiarum medulla (1493) is an extract from Valla's books on the elegance of the Latin language.

Donation of Constantine

Wolfram Setz, a recent editor of Valla's work, has affirmed that at the time of Valla's refutation, Constantine's alleged "donation" was no longer a matter of contemporary relevance in political theory and that it simply provided an opportunity for an exercise in legal rhetoric.

The Florentine chronicler Giovanni Cavalcanti reported that, in the very year of Valla's treatise, Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan, made diplomatic overtures toward Cosimo de' Medici in Florence, proposing an alliance against the Pope.

Göta highway

On Årsta field there is a 900 meter long part of Göta landsväg, and where it passed the Valla brook there is a stone-arched bridge that was built in the 18th or 19th century.

Langobardia Minor

Paul Deacon, Historia Langobardorum (Storia dei Longobardi, Lorenzo Valla/Mondadori, Milan 1992)

Lorenzo Valla

Luther had a very high opinion of Valla and of his writings, and Cardinal Bellarmine calls him praecursor Lutheri, while Sir Richard Jebb says that his De Elegantiis "marked the highest level that had yet been reached in the critical study of Latin." Erasmus stated in his De ratione studii that for Latin Grammar, there was "no better guide than Lorenzo Valla."

Piero Boitani

Edited and translated into Italian Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Adelphi 1986, verse), Shakespeare’s Cymbeline (Garzanti 1994, verse), The Cloud of Unknowing (Adelphi 1998), a complete Chaucer with facing texts (Einaudi 2000), and (Life and Introduction) W.B. Yeats, Opera poetica (Mondadori, 2005); Il viaggio dell’anima (Fondazione Valla-Mondadori, 2007).

Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite

William Grocyn pursued Valla's lines of text criticism, and Valla's critical viewpoint of the authorship of the highly influential Corpus was accepted and publicized by Erasmus from 1504 onward, for which he was criticized by Catholic theologians.

Society of Mary

Marist Brothers, a Catholic religious congregation of brothers with affiliated lay people founded in France, at La Valla near Lyon in 1817 by Saint Marcellin Champagnat, a young French priest of the Society of Mary.

see also