
unusual facts about Vallely


Paul E. Vallely, US soldier and military consultant for FOX News

Paul E. Vallely

Vallely toured the Camp Delta detention camp at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba in 2006 while collecting material for a book he intended to co-write with LTC Gordon Cucullu,

Paul Vallely

Vallely ghost-wrote Geldof's autobiography, Is That It? in 1985 and travelled with Bob Geldof across Africa to decide how to spend the £100m raised by Live Aid and was involved in the organisation of Live 8.

Tom Munnelly

Early in 2007, Anne Clune edited a collection of his essays, and tributes to him, "Dear Far-voiced Veteran (Essays in Honour of Tom Munnelly)", with contributions from Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin and Fintan Vallely.

see also