
unusual facts about Vanda


PARKROYAL can be found in key cities or major gateways in Asia Pacific and can be identified with its distinct Vanda orchid logo.

Emmanuelle Seigner

In 2012, she played the principle role of Vanda in the French film adaption of Venus in Furs, written by Polanski, for which she received much acclaim as a vulgar yet sensual maîtresse of Thomas (Mathieu Amalric).

In Vanda's Room

No Quarto da Vanda is a kind of sequel to the drama film Ossos (1997) in which Vanda Duarte plays as an actress.

Marcus Hook Roll Band

The project released one record, Tales of Old Grand Daddy (1973), which was issued only in Australia (EMI), although a variation would later be released in the U.S. on Capitol's "green label" budget series (#SN-11991) in the wake of Vanda and Young's Flash And The Pan album.

Matt Vanda

On February 21, 2009, Vanda lost a unanimous decision to John Duddy in a ten round affair.

Roll with the Wind

A version of the song, sung in Swedish and with the title ""Vända med vinden", was featured on the 2010 debut album Längtan by Swedish group Timoteij.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

In the David Ives play Venus In Fur, Vanda proclaims, "Methinks the lady doth protest too much," as she pries for information regarding Thomas' defensiveness about his sexual past.

The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell

To them, Quincas is Joaquim Soares da Cunha, an "exemplary employee of the State Rent Board," who disgraced his family by walking out on them one day, calling Vanda and her mother, Dona Otacilia "vipers" and Vanda's husband Leonardo a "silly ass."

Venus in Fur

In 2013, the play saw its Australian premiere in a production by the Queensland Theatre Company in Brisbane with Libby Munro as Vanda and Todd MacDonald as Thomas.

see also