
4 unusual facts about Vandal Kingdom

Vandal Kingdom

It was originally created by the settlement of the Vandals in the province of Numidia and Mauretania by the Roman government and then extended by conquest further into North Africa and the Mediterranean.

Geiseric chose to break the treaty in 439 when he invaded the province of Africa Proconsularis and laid siege to Carthage.

The impression given by ancient sources such as Victor of Vita, Quodvultdeus, and Fulgentius of Ruspe was that the Vandal take-over of Carthage and North Africa led to widespread destruction.

Peace was made between the Romans and the Vandals in 435 through a treaty giving the Vandals control of coastal Numidia and parts of Mauretania.

see also


Godas' revolt proved fatal to the Vandal kingdom; for while Tzazo was away with the bulk of the Vandal forces, a Byzantine army commanded by Belisarius landed unopposed near Caputvada with the intention of restoring North Africa to the Byzantine Empire.