
2 unusual facts about Vandana Shiva

Cabramatta High School

The school's successful annual Peace Day celebrations continued to deliver warm welcomes to recipients of the Sydney Peace Prize, including Indian social justice and environmental activist, eco-feminist and author Vandana Shiva in 2010, American linguist and activist Noam Chomsky in 2011, as well as Zimbabwean senator Sekai Holland in 2012.

Center for Place, Culture and Politics

Previous Distinguished Lecturers and conference participants have included Gayatri Spivak, Derek Gregory, Daniel Ellsberg, Eyal Weizman, Vandana Shiva, Nancy Fraser, Gar Alperowitz, Naomi Klein, and many others.

Flow: For Love of Water

The film features interviews with water and community activists Maude Barlow, Peter Gleick; and, scientists Ashok Gadgil, Rajendra Singh, and Vandana Shiva.

Global Marshall Plan Initiative

Supporters of the initiative include Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Hubert Weinzierl (BUND), Rita Süssmuth, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Franz Josef Radermacher, Jakob von Uexküll, Ulrich Martin Drescher, Renée Ernst, Sandra Maischberger (all from Germany), Josef Riegler, Franz Fischler (Austria), Prince El Hassan bin Talal (Jordan), Vandana Shiva (India), Jane Goodall (UK) and approximately 5000 supporters from Germany and Austria.

Jeju-do Naval Base

A recent statement to the International Union for Conservation of Nature signed by a number of leading academics and well known figures including Vandana Shiva, Walden Bello, David Suzuki, Noam Chomsky, Gloria Steinem and Robert Redford cites police brutality and claims that over 500 people have been arrested thus far.

see also