
unusual facts about Varennes-en-Argonne

Flight to Varennes

The king and his family were eventually arrested in the revolutionary town of Varennes, 50 km from their ultimate destination, the heavily fortified royalist citadel of Montmédy.

145th Armored Regiment

It was heavily influenced by the regiment’s World War I service, displaying a wavy bend to symbolize the Scheldt (Escaut) River and a falcon from the arms of Montfaucon, France.

3rd Battalion, 319th Field Artillery Regiment

During World War I, the battery was one of six 4-gun 155mm batteries in the 157th Field Artillery Brigade, and participated in three major offensives: St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and Lorraine.

A Pail of Air

They reveal that other groups of humans have survived at Argonne, Brookhaven, and Harwell nuclear research facilities as well as in Tanna Tuva, and that plans are being made to establish uranium mining colonies at Great Slave Lake or in the Congo region.

Army of Châlons

Leaving the Prussian First and Second Armies besieging Metz, Moltke took the Prussian Third Army, led by the Crown Prince of Prussia, and the newly formed Army of the Meuse under the Crown Prince of Saxony northward where they caught up with the French at Beaumont-en-Argonne on 30 August 1870.

Balderic, Abbot of Montfaucon

Saint Balderic (or Baudry) was the founding abbot of Montfaucon.

Canadian Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer

It was developed and operated by physicist Guy Savard and a collaboration of other scientists at Argonne, the University of Manitoba, McGill University, Texas A&M University and the State University of New York.


In 1819, Norwich Duff wrote 'Clermont en Argonne is a very small town situated on the side of a hill on top of which there is a telegraph, a small church, and very extensive and fine views'.

Earl J. Atkisson

This regiment arrived in France on March 10, 1918 and eventually participated in the Aisne-Marne, St. Mihel, and Meuse-Argonne operations.

Eric Isaacs

Earlier he distinguished himself both as director of the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne and as professor of physics in the University of Chicago's James Franck Institute.

Étienne Duchesnois

In 1797, he married Josette Massue, the daughter of the seigneur of Varennes, Gaspard Massue, and the sister of Aignan-Aimé Massue and Louis Massue.

French Lebanese

The three representatives elected on 18 June 2006 (4,156 votes in total, 3,787 in Lebanon) are all members of right-wing groups in the Assembly: Jean-Louis Mainguy (born in 1953 in Beirut, Union of Democrats, Independents and Liberals), Denise Revers-Haddad (born in 1940 in Varennes-Jarcy, Rally of French Citizens Abroad) and Marcel Laugel (born in 1931 in Algiers, then French Algeria, Union of Democrats, Independents and Liberals).

Illinois Technology and Research Corridor

The only multipurpose national laboratory in the Midwest, Argonne manages and operates a range of scientific user facilities, including the Advanced Photon Source, the Center for Nanoscale Materials and the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility.

Jacques Michael Swaab

Swaab reported to the 22nd Aero Squadron on 27 August 1918 and, flying a SPAD XIII, participated in air operations during the battles at Toul, Saint-Mihiel, and the Argonne.

Louis Gugy

One of the interested parties was a French cavalry officer, but Louis Gugy interceded before the purchase of one of the horses could go ahead, revealing to his father that the purchaser was none other than Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve, the servant at the inn of Varennes who had recognised and betrayed King Louis XVI.

Marie-Marguerite d'Youville

She was born Marie-Marguerite Dufrost de Lajemmerais in 1701 at Varennes, Quebec, oldest daughter of Christophe du Frost, Sieur de la Gesmerays (1661–1708) and Marie-Renée Gaultier de Varennes.

Matej Kocak

October 4, 1918, found him taking part in the Allied drive against the enemy in the Argonne Forest between the Moselle and Forest of Argonne in the vicinity of Blanchmont in Champagne, France, and in the attack against the enemy in the St. Mihiel sector in the vicinity of Thiaucourt, France.

Odo of France

Odo continued to battle against the Vikings and defeated them at Montfaucon, but he was soon involved in a struggle with powerful nobles who supported the claim of Charles the Simple to the Frankish throne.

Théâtre Feydeau

Upon the Royal Family's return to Paris on 24 June 1791, after its unsuccessful flight and arrest in Varennes, the Théâtre de Monsieur was officially renamed Théâtre Français & Italien de la rue Feydeau, but by July this had been shortened to Théâtre de la rue Feydeau, or simply the Théâtre Feydeau.


According to the statements of the Easter painter and glass maker, having restored these stained glasses in 1741, "the glare of the colors recalls the large canopies of the cathedral of Chartres, and the Gothic paintings are like those of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris".

Varennes, Somme

Like the King and Prince John Tristan of France, Count of Valois, he died in front of Tunis in August 1270, due to dysentery.

Victor Cordonnier

He directed the 3rd Division at the battle of the Marne, the advance to Sainte-Menehould and the Argonne, being wounded on 15 September 1914.

View from the Window at Le Gras

It was created by Nicéphore Niépce in 1826 or 1827 at Saint-Loup-de-Varennes and shows parts of the buildings and surrounding countryside of his estate, Le Gras, seen from a high window.

see also